Traditional vegetable diet lowers the risk of premature birth
High consumption of carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, cabbage, green beans and potatoes before conception helped women reach full term pregnancy.
High consumption of carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, cabbage, green beans and potatoes before conception helped women reach full term pregnancy.
Women who experience premature menopause are significantly more likely to develop multiple chronic conditions, according to a new study.
All women know to expect the time in life when their periods finish and they reach menopause. What many women don’t know, however, is they will also experience symptoms in the time leading up to menopause. This is known as perimenopause.
Parents will be pleased to know that more is not always better when it comes to play equipment for their children.It's not about having the most play equipment; it's about having the right equipment.
Grandmothers deserve more recognition for their role as caregivers and some are at risk of being overburdened, according to a report from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health.
Almost one in five 18-23 year old women was bullied recently and more than half had been bullied in the past, resulting in serious physical and mental health issues.
Women who experience intimate partner violence have significant, long-term physical and mental health problems according to researchers from the University of Newcastle who tracked three generations of women for 16 years.
Women who become caregivers after experiencing intimate partner violence have twice the normal odds of experiencing depressive symptoms and stress and they also had worse physical health than other women.
“There is a long-held perception that having babies contributes to women’s weight gain leading to overweight and obesity." Researchers at the University of Canberra have found that pregnancy is not a trigger for significant weight gain in Australian women.
Changing diet and lifestyle during pregnancy is too little and too late to reduce the risk of major complications, according to a University of Queensland researcher. “The evidence overwhelmingly showed healthier pregnancies when women were able to make positive lifestyle changes before conception, such as eating well, being more active or quitting smoking,”.