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Data access quick guide

ALSWH data is available to bona-fide researchers for non-commercial use. There are three types of data:

Core datasets

Full survey datasets

Linked datasets

DescriptionContains most survey data, except:
- Sensitive variables removed or capped
- Derived/ summary variables (including scale scores) provided without the original items
- No dates (only birth year and survey year)
- Minimum cell size =10
more information
Includes all individual ALSWH survey items, derived variables and scale scores. Additional datasets can also be requested:
- Qualitative responses (free text comments)
- Medications
- Birth Events (1989-95 & 1973-78 cohorts)
- Dietary measures
- Geographic measures
- Environmental measures
- MatCH (Mothers and their Children’s Health) Substudy
National and state administrative health records:
- Medicare
- Deaths
- Cancer
- Aged care
- Hospital admissions
- Emergency department presentations
- Perinatal records
Also available:
- Common Conditions form Multiple Sources (CCMS)
- Educational records for MatCH children
Suitable for- Most topics and analysis methods
- Student projects
- Short time frames
- Exploratory analyses to work up a full application
All projects - Experienced researchers (students cannot lead linked data projects)
- Longer time frames
- Analyses of health service use
- Case ascertainment
- Validation of self-reported data
Apply arrowAustralian Data Archive (ADA)
No closing date
ALSWH data users online portal
(Draft form: ALSWH EoI proforma_October 2024)
Application closing dates
arrow Request linked datasets along with full survey data
Approval time~2 weeks~2 monthsAdd 2-6+ months for external approvals
Project LiaisonN/AAn ALSWH Project Liaison must review your application pre- submission and provide ongoing advice Your ALSWH Project Liaison must also be a collaborator on the project
ReviewBrief review by ALSWH DACFull review by ALSWH DACExternal HREC and/or data custodian review may also be required
Data use agreementsADAALSWHExternal agreements must also be signed
Data deliveryDownload from ADA
(No fees apply)
Directly to researcher
(No fees apply)
Access limited to:
- ALSWH sites (UQ/UoN); you are responsible for travel arrangements/ expenses
- Remotely, within Australia, via SURE; you are responsible for fees and organising access at your own institution
(no ALSWH fees apply)
Approval periodNo time limitNo specific time limit*2 years (extensions may be requested)
ReportingMinimal (via email)Annual progress reports must be completed in the ALSWH data users portal
*Inactive projects may be closed
(Includes journal articles, reports and presentations)
- Include standard ALSWH acknowledgement
- Advise ALSWH when published or presented
- Tables: no cell size <10
- Include standard ALSWH acknowledgement
- Drafts must be reviewed by ALSWH Project Liaison
- Advise ALSWH when published or presented
Additional requirements:
- Acknowledge external data custodians
- Pre-publication review by data custodian/s may also be required
Project closeYour datasets should be maintained as per NHMRC guidelines- Submit final report
- Datasets should be maintained as per NHMRC guidelines
- UQ/UoN: Project datasets securely archived at site
- SURE: Archiving / destruction arranged directly with SURE (additional fees may apply)
ALSWH DAC = ALSWH Data Access Committee
HREC = Human Research Ethics Committee
UQ = The University of Queensland (Australian Women and Girls' Health Research Centre, School of Public Health, Herston)
UoN = The University of Newcastle (Centre for Women's Health Research, Hunter MRI)