Women's Health Australia | Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health



Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join the Women’s Health Australia project?

You will join over 57,000 women in the mission to improve the health and wellbeing of all women in Australia. We provide findings to the Department of Health and Aged Care, which are used to improve policies and services for women in Australia. As a bonus, once you complete the short 2 minute survey, you will get a $5 voucher on us!

Diagram outlining the process from survey, to research, to research findings to the Dept of Health and Aged Care and finally to Policies and services

What’s involved?

Complete a short 2 minute online survey. Then we’ll send you a 15 minute online survey in a couple of days. After this, we will send you a 15 minute survey every few years. Regular surveys allow us to follow changes in the health and wellbeing of women in Australia over time.

How are my survey responses and health records used?

See below for an example of how your survey responses and other health records are used to improve policies and services for women living in Australia.

Diagram - your health experiences from surveys and other health records contribute to assess the effectivness of a service, findings are sent to the government, and then policies and services are improved

Can other women I know join Women’s Health Australia?

Yes! We are looking for other women aged 28-34 (born between 1989 and 1995) and aged 45-50  (born between 1973 and 1978) to complete the survey. Send this link to them so they can join the project too: https://alswh.org.au/join-womens-health-australia/

Alternatively, they can look us up on social media:


How do you keep my data safe?

  1. Your personal details (like your name and address) are removed from your survey answers and other health records and stored separately.
  2. ID numbers are assigned to protect your privacy 
  3. All information is kept confidential and stored securely

Who should I contact if I have any technical difficulties or other questions?

Call our free-call number (1800 068 081), or send us an email (alswh@newcastle.edu.au)

There is nobody more qualified to tell us about your health than you.


We are grateful to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care for funding.

The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. It is a collaborative project conducted by staff and investigators at the University of Newcastle and the University of Queensland.

Logos of the University of Newcastle and the University of Queensland