
Data available for Mothers and their Children’s Health Substudy
From 2022, MatCH data will join ALSWH data in being freely and openly available to external collaborators (rather than data use being limited to the original MatCH Project Team). Please see the ALSWH web page: Applying for data.
The MatCH baseline survey was conducted from August 2016 to May 2017 (also see the MatCH Data book).
- Eligible women from the ALSWH 1973-78 Cohort were invited to complete the survey (online or paper) about their three youngest birth children aged under 13 years.
- 3,048 mothers participated, reporting on 5,842 children – see more.
- Survey measures included diet and physical activity, health-related quality of life, illness and disability, health service use, sleep, social and emotional development, and anthropometric measures – see more.
MatCH survey data is linked to:
- Maternal data held by ALSWH on the 1973-78 Cohort, including surveys, linked health records, and geocoded environmental data.
- Mothers of 4,300 MatCH children also consented to linkage of their children’s NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) and AEDC (Australian Early Development Census) records (see more).
See how linked data helps to fill out the MatCH picture or read more about data linkage in MatCH.