MatCH publications ALT


Gete DG, Waller M, Mishra GD.
Prepregnancy dietary patterns and risk of preterm birth and low birth weight: findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Gete DG, Waller M, Mishra GD.
Effects of maternal diets on preterm birth and low birth weight: a systematic review.
British Journal of Nutrition

Moss KM, Dobson AJ, Edwards KL, Hesketh KD, Chang Y-T, Mishra G.
Not all play equipment is created equal: associations between equipment at home and children’s physical activity.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health

Adane AA, Tooth LR, Mishra GD.
The role of offspring’s birthweight on the association between pre-pregnancy obesity and offspring’s childhood anthropometrics: a mediation analysis.
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

Tooth L, Moss K, Hockey R, Mishra GD.
Adherence to screen time recommendations for Australian children aged 0–12 years.
Medical Journal of Australia

Moss KM, Loxton D, Dobson AJ, Slaughter V, Mishra GD.
Testing competing mediators of the association between pre-conception maternal depression and child health-related quality of life: the MatCH study.
Archives of Women’s Mental Health


Mishra GD, Moss K, Loos C, Dobson AJ, Davies PS, Loxton D, Hesketh KD, Koupil I, Bower C, Sly P, Tooth L.
MatCH (Mothers and their Children’s Health) Profile: offspring of the 1973-78 cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health.  
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies

Adane AA, Mishra GD, Tooth LR.
Maternal preconception weight trajectories, pregnancy complications and offspring’s childhood physical and cognitive development.
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

Adane AA, Dobson A, Tooth L, Mishra GD.
Maternal preconception weight trajectories are associated with offsprings’ childhood obesity.
International Journal of Obesity

Adane AA, Mishra GD, Tooth LR.
Adult Pre‐pregnancy Weight Change and Risk of Developing Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy.
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology


Adane AA, Tooth LR, Mishra GD.
Pre-pregnancy weight change and incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus: A finding from a prospective cohort study.
Diabetes research and Clinical Practice


Adane AA, Mishra GD, Tooth LR.
Maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and childhood physical and cognitive development of children: a systematic review.
International Journal of Obesity

Adane AA, Mishra GD, Tooth LR.
Diabetes in Pregnancy and Childhood Cognitive Development: A Systematic Review.


Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 23-25 October Abstracts

  • Loos C, Moss K, Tooth L, Dobson A, Loxton D, Mishra G.
    Understanding intergenerational health: methodology of the Mothers and their Children’s Health Study. 
  • Moss K.
    A new method for investigating associations between play equipment and physical activity.
  • Moss K.
    Mothers and their Children’s Health (MatCH) study: is pregnancy a sensitive period?
  • Tooth L.
    How adherence to Australian screen time guidelines differs by age in Australian children aged 0 to 12 years. 
  • Tooth L.
    Understanding maternal preconception weight trajectories and child outcomes using a cohort-within-cohort study design. 

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHAD) Conference, Melbourne, 20-23 October 

  • Moss K. Dobson A, Mishra G.
    Is Pregnancy a Sensitive Period? Testing Competing Explanations of the Association Between Maternal Depression and Child Behaviour and Development.

International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Conference, Prague, 4-7 June Abstracts

  • Downing K. Mishra G, Salmon J, Timperio A, Hesketh K.
    Differences in BMI and obesity-related movement behaviours of children with and without a family history of lifestyle diseases. (Abstract 17415)