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The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health actively provides State and Commonwealth inquiries with research and data on a range of topics relating to women’s health and use of health care services. This page lists publicly available submissions made by the Study since 2018.

Senate Inquiry on the Future of Stillbirth Research and Education in Australia

Published: 2018

The study’s submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Future of Stillbirth Research and Education in Australia highlighted the availability of the study’s longitudinal data on stillbirth, the current issues in accessing timely and consistent administrative datasets from the different states, and the study’s role in communicating the results of its research into stillbirth. Download…

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Submission to the Senate Inqiry into obesity in Australia

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Obesity Epidemic in Australia

Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health

Published: 2018

ALSWH's submission highlights the results of 20 years of data and analysis on the topic of obesity.

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