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Caring for carers: Caring and use of services in women carers born between 1921 and 1926

McKenzie S, Tooth L, Lucke J, Mendis S & Dobson A. Caring for carers: Caring and use of services in women carers born between 1921 and 1926. Report prepared for Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing, May 2009.

Detailed report for the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Carers Project, Stage 2, Phase 2.

This project was a nested cross-sectional substudy of the ALSWH. Participants were selected based on their responses to Survey 3 of the 1921-1926 cohort (2002). The intention of the original project was to select women who cared for recipients with neurodegenerative disorders. However, to obtain an adequate sample size for statistical analysis, all women who indicated that they were providing care for someone living with them, either from a specific survey item or in-text responses, and who had not been selected for other ALSWH substudies, were invited to participate (n=674, aged 78-83 years).
