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Stroke impact in Older Australian Women: A cohort study using self-reported longitudinal data


Stroke, a leading cause of death and disability and costs the Australian economy around $2.14 billion each year. One third of those experiencing stroke will die in the first year and one third will be dependent on others to manage everyday activities. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that between the ages of 60 and 80 stroke prevalence shifts from mainly men to mainly women. The investigations from this research group are generating new knowledge relating to the long term impact of stroke on Australia’s oldest women. This new knowledge indicates that, when compared to their age-matched peers, older women who have experienced a stroke: 1) Are less likely to survive even after adjusting for comorbidities and other health and social factors, and that those who are fall below a healthy weight are particularly vulnerable 2) Described stroke as a major life event which was responsible for limitations in their participation in everyday activities 3) Reported a lived experience that could not be fully coded using the 18-item Brief ICF Core Set for Stroke 4) Were 6 times more likely to experience another stroke and 20% more likely to experience poor physical functioning