/* 1973-78 Cohort - child labels in SAS code - April 2020*/ label child_dob = "Date of birth of child" ; label child_order = "Order of child" ; label multicount = "Multiple Birth Count" ; label multi_birth = "Multiple Birth" ; label childhistory = 'Surveys with child data' label sex = "Sex of child, 1=Boy, 2=Girl" ; label lengthcm = "Length of child at birth" ; label wtkg = "Birth weight in kg" ; label livewith = "Child now living with you" ; label BreastFedMonths = "Months breastfed " ; label BFed = "Ever breastfed " ; label motherage = "Mother's age at birth" ; label electivecaesar = "Caesarean section before labour" ; label emergencycaesar = "Caesarean section after labour" ; label labour36 = "Labour lasted > 36 hours" ; label episiotomy = "Episiotomy (cut to perineum)" ; label vaginaltear = "Vaginal tear requiring stitches" ; label forceps = "Forceps or Ventouse suction" ; label placentaremoved = "Medical removal of placenta/blood clots" ; label excessblood = "Excessive blood loss delivery" ; label stillbth = "Stillbirth at least 20 weeks gestation or at least 400 grams birth weight" ; label lbw = "Low birth weight baby" ; label epidural = " Epidural or spinal block " ; label gas = "Gas or injection for pain relief" ; label prembirth = "Premature birth (born before 36 weeks gestation)" ; label emotional = "Emotional distress during delivery" ; label antedepress = "Antenatal depression" ; label postnataldepress = "Postnatal depresssion" ; label antenatalanxiety= "Antenatal anxiety" ; label postnatalanxiety = "Postnatal anxiety" ; label gestdiabetes = "Gestational diabetes" ; label hyperten = "Hypertension during pregnancy" ; label induct = "Induction of labour (with gel or drip)" ; label hbw = "High birth weight baby" ; label ICU = "Baby admission to special care/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" ; label Deathmonth1 = "Death of a live-born baby within first month" ; label Deathaftermonth1 = "Death of child after the first month" ; label placentaremoved = "Medical removal of placenta/blood clots" ; label excessblood = "Excessive Blood Loss " ; label stillbth = "Still Birth" ; label fdesdp = "Feeling Depressed during pregancy" ; label fdesap = "Feeling Depressed after pregancy" ;