/* Survey 1 of the 1921-26 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - April 2020*/ VALUE o1longitf 1 = 'Longitudinal participant' 0 = 'Not longitudinal participant' ; VALUE o1rrmafmt 1 = 'Capital city' 2 = 'Other metropolitan' 3 = 'Large rural' 4 = 'Small rural' 5 = 'Other rural' 6 = 'Remote' 7 = 'Other remote' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o1who 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Acceptable weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1aria 1 = 'Highly accessible' 2 = 'Accessible' 3 = 'Moderately accessible' 4 = 'Remote' 5 = 'Very Remote' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1ariap 1 = 'Major cities of Australia' 2 = 'Inner regional Australia' 3 = 'Outer regional Australia' 4 = 'Remote Australia' 5 = 'Very Remote Australia' 6 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1cobfmt 1 = 'Australian born' 2 = 'Other English Speaking Background' 3 = 'Europe' 4 = 'Asia' 5 = 'Other' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o1langfmt 1 = 'English, Aust' 2 = 'English, Other' 3 = 'European' 4 = 'Asian' 5 = 'Other' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o1statefmt 1 = 'NSW' 2 = 'Vic' 3 = 'Qld' 4 = 'SA' 5 = 'WA' 6 = 'Tas' 7 = 'NT' 8 = 'ACT' 9 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1areafmt 1 = 'Urban' 2 = 'Rural' 3 = 'Remote' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1agegpfmt 1 = 'Young' 2 = 'Mid' 3 = 'Older' . = 'Missing'; VALUE o1whobmi 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Acceptable weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o1yesnofmt 1='Yes' 2='No' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfhealth 1='Excellent' 2='Very good' 3='Good' 4='Fair' 5='Poor' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfnow 1='Much better' 2='Somewhat better' 3='About the same' 4='Somewhat worse' 5='Much worse' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sflimit 1='Limited a lot' 2='Limited a little' 3='Not limited' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfsocial 1='Not at all' 2='Slightly' 3='Moderately' 4='Quite a bit' 5='Extremely' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfbody 1='No bodily pain' 2='Very mild' 3='Mild' 4='Moderate' 5='Severe' 6='Very severe' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfpain 1='Not at all' 2='A little bit' 3='Moderately' 4='Quite a bit' 5='Extremely' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sffeel 1='All the time' 2='Most of the time' 3='Bit of the time' 4='Some of time' 5='Little of time' 6='None of time' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sfintfr 1='All the time' 2='Most of the time' 3='Some of the time' 4='Little of time' 5='None of time' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1sf_t_f 1='Definitely true' 2='Mostly true' 3="Don't know" 4='Mostly false' 5='Definitely false' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1ratedr 1='Excellent' 2='Very good' 3='Good' 4='Fair' 5='Poor' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1consult 0='None' 1='Once or twice' 2='Three to four times' 3='Five to six times' 4='Seven or more' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1femaledr 1='Always' 2='Certain things' 3='No' 4="Don't care" .='Missing' ; VALUE o1medic 0='None' 1='One' 2='Two' 3='Three' 4='Four or more' .='Missing' ; VALUE o1yrspill 1='Never used' 2='