/* Survey 1 of the 1973-78 Cohort - variables and their labels in SAS code - April 2020 */ IDalias = 'ID number' agegp = 'Age group' y1htcm = 'Height (cms)' y1wtkg = 'Weight (kgs)' y1bmi = 'BMI' y1whobmigroup = 'BMI classification' y1ariagp = 'Aria grouped' y1ariapgp = 'ARIA+ grouped' y1iu = 'Urban Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage' y1ir = 'Rural Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage' y1idis = 'Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage' y1ier = 'Index of Economic Resources' y1ieo = 'Index of Education and Occupation' y1birth = 'Number of Births' y1term = 'Number of Terminations' y1misc = 'Number of Miscarriages' y1birthyear = 'Year of birth' inarea = 'Area at Selection' instate = 'State at Selection' y1age = 'Age' y1alcnhmrc = 'Alcohol status (NHMRC)' y1alcpatt = 'Alcohol Binge status' y1aria = 'Aria Classification' y1ccep = 'Contraceptive status' y1cobcat = 'Country of birth' y1lngcat = 'Language spoken at home' y1exstat_old = 'Exercise status' y1gpstfy = 'GP satisfaction score' y1lfstfy = 'Life satisfaction score' y1livwth = 'Living arrangements' y1livwthb = 'Living arrangements' /*y1longit = 'Provided baseline contact details' */ y1marital = 'Marital status' y1mnstrs = 'Mean stress score' /*y1pcode = 'Postcode' */ y1preg = 'Pregnancy status' y1proplev = 'Proportion of Life events' y1rrma = 'RRMA classification' y1smokst = 'Smoking status' y1state = 'State' y1wtarea = 'Weight by area' y1q1 = 'General health' y1q2 = 'Health now' y1q3a = 'Health limit vigorous activities' y1q3b = 'Health limit moderate activities' y1q3c = 'Health limit lifting or carrying' y1q3d = 'Health limit climbing flights stairs' y1q3e = 'Health limit climbing 1 flight stairs' y1q3f = 'Health limit bending or kneeling' y1q3g = 'Health limit walking one Kilometre' y1q3h = 'Health limit walking half Kilometre' y1q3i = 'Health limit walking 100 metres' y1q3j = 'Health limit bathing or dressing' y1q4a = 'Physical Health/cut time spent' y1q4b = 'Physical Health/accomplish less' y1q4c = 'Physical Health/limited in type work' y1q4d = 'Physical Health/difficulty performing' y1q5a = 'Emotional Health/cut time spent' y1q5b = 'Emotional Health/accomplish less' y1q5c = 'Emotional Health/Less careful at work' y1q6 = 'Health interfere with social activities' y1q7 = 'How much bodily pain' y1q8 = 'Pain interfered with work' y1q9a = 'How often/feel full of life' y1q9b = 'How often/feel nervous person' y1q9c = 'How often/felt down in dumps' y1q9d = 'How often/calm and peaceful' y1q9e = 'How often/have a lot of energy' y1q9f = 'How often/felt down' y1q9g = 'How often/feel worn out' y1q9h = 'How often/feel happy person' y1q9i = 'How often/feel tired' y1q10 = 'How much time/interfere social life' y1q11a = 'Get sick easier than other people' y1q11b = 'Healthy as anybody I know' y1q11c = 'Expect my health to get worse' y1q11d = 'My health is excellent' y1q12a = 'Consulted family doctor' y1q12b = 'Consulted hospital doctor' y1q12c = 'Consulted specialist doctor' y1q12d = 'Consulted allied health professional' y1q12e = 'Consulted alternative practitioner' y1q12f = 'Consulted family planning service' y1q12g = 'Consulted sexual health service' y1q13a = 'Convenience of surgery location' y1q13b = 'Length of waiting time' y1q13c = 'Personal manner of doctor' y1q13d = 'Doctor"s explanation' y1q13e = 'Interest of doctor/patients feelings' y1q13f = 'Opportunity to ask questions' y1q13g = 'Amount of time spent with doctor' y1q13h = 'Cost of your visit' y1q13i = 'Visit overall' y1q14 = 'Do you prefer to see female doctor' y1q15a = 'Ever told you have diabetes' y1q15b = 'Ever told you have heart disease' y1q15c = 'Ever told you have hypertension' y1q15d = 'Ever told you have low iron level' y1q15e = 'Ever told you have asthma' y1q15f = 'Ever told you have cancer' y1q15g = 'Ever told you have other major illness' y1q16a = 'Ever told you have chlamydia' y1q16b = 'Ever told you have genital herpes' y1q16c = 'Ever told you have genital warts(HPV)' y1q16d = 'Ever told you have other STD' y1q17a = 'Admitted hospital last 12 months' y1q17b = 'Private hospital insurance' y1q17c = 'Private health ancillary' y1q18a = 'Used medication prescribed by doctor' y1q18b = 'Used medication bought w/o prescription' y1q18c = 'Taken medication for chronic illness' y1q19 = 'When did you have last Pap test' y1q20 = 'Ever had abnormal Pap test' y1q21 = 'Are you currently pregnant' y1q22a = 'How many times been pregnant' y1q22b = 'How many times had a miscarriage' y1q22c = 'How many times had a termination' y1q22d = 'How many times given birth' y1q23 = 'What sort of contraception used' y1q24 = 'Total years taken contraceptive pill' y1q25a = 'Using condoms for STD/HIV prevention' y1q25b = 'Oral contraceptive for other reasons' y1q26aa = 'Q26a- Allergies/hay fever/sinusitis' y1q26ab = 'Q26a- Asthma' y1q26ac = 'Q26a- Headaches/migraines' y1q26ad = 'Q26a- Constant tiredness' y1q26ae = 'Q26a- Back pain' y1q26af = 'Q26a- Urine burn/stings' y1q26ag = 'Q26a- Leaking urine' y1q26ah = 'Q26a- Constipation' y1q26ai = 'Q26a- Haemorrhoids' y1q26aj = 'Q26a- Other bowel problems' y1q26ak = 'Q26a- Vaginal discharge/irritation' y1q26al = 'Q26a- Premenstrual tension' y1q26am = 'Q26a- Irregular monthly periods' y1q26an = 'Q26a- Heavy periods' y1q26ao = 'Q26a- Severe period pain' y1q26ap = 'Q26a- Skin problems' y1q26aq = 'Q26a- Difficulty sleeping' y1q26ba = 'Q26b- Allergies/hay fever/sinusitis' y1q26bb = 'Q26b- Asthma' y1q26bc = 'Q26b- Headaches/migraines' y1q26bd = 'Q26b- Constant tiredness' y1q26be = 'Q26b- Back pain' y1q26bf = 'Q26b- Urine that burns/stings' y1q26bg = 'Q26b- Leaking urine' y1q26bh = 'Q26b- Constipation' y1q26bi = 'Q26b- Haemorrhoids' y1q26bj = 'Q26b- Other bowel problems' y1q26bk = 'Q26b- Vaginal discharge/irritation' y1q26bl = 'Q26b- Premenstrual tension' y1q26bm = 'Q26b- Irregular monthly periods' y1q26bn = 'Q26b- Heavy periods' y1q26bo = 'Q26b- Severe period pain' y1q26bp = 'Q26b- Skin problems' y1q26bq = 'Q26b- Difficulty sleeping' y1q27a = 'Stress with own health' y1q27b = 'Stress with family health' y1q27c = 'Stress with work/employment' y1q27d = 'Stress with living arrangements' y1q27e = 'Stress with study' y1q27f = 'Stress with money' y1q27g = 'Stress with relationship with parents' y1q27h = 'Stress with relationship with partner' y1q27i = 'Stress with relationship with family' y1q27j = 'Stress with boyfriend relationships' y1q27k = 'Stress with girlfriend relationship' y1q27l = 'Stress with anything else' y1q27ch = 'Stress - other' y1q28a = 'Q28- Walking/exercise/working out' y1q28b = 'Q28- Music/read/sleep/meditation' y1q28c = 'Q28- Talking to friend' y1q28d = 'Q28- Write/draw/creative activity' y1q28e = 'Q28- Want to be alone/watch TV' y1q28f = 'Q28- Throw things/slam doors' y1q28g = 'Q28- Smoking/using drugs/alcohol' y1q28h = 'Q28- Eating more or less' y1q29a = 'Major personal illness' y1q29b = 'Major personal injury' y1q29c = 'Major surgery' y1q29d = 'Pregnancy' y1q29e = 'Birth of first child' y1q29f = 'Start of new/personal relationship' y1q29g = 'Problem in close relationship' y1q29h = 'Break-up of personal relationship' y1q29i = 'Getting married/live with someone' y1q29j = 'Infidelity of partner/spouse' y1q29k = 'Becoming a sole parent' y1q29l = 'Increased hassling with parents' y1q29m = 'Serious conflict with family' y1q29n = 'Parents divorce/separate/remarry' y1q29o = 'Partner/family/friend alcohol trouble' y1q29p = 'Death of partner/family member' y1q29q = 'Death of close friend' y1q29r = 'Leaving home for first time' y1q29s = 'Beginning uni/college/training' y1q29t = 'Exam stress' y1q29u = 'Difficulty finding a job' y1q29v = 'Beginning/resuming work' y1q29w = 'Change in work/hours/conditions' y1q29x = 'Distressing harassment at work' y1q29y = 'Loss of job' y1q29z = 'Parent losing a job' y1q29aa = 'Decreased income' y1q29bb = 'Natural disaster (Flood/fire)' y1q29cc = 'Loss/damage to personal property' y1q29dd = 'Being robbed' y1q29ee = 'Involvement in serious accident' y1q29ff = 'Pushed/grabbed/shoved/kicked/hit' y1q29gg = 'Forced unwanted sexual activity' y1q29hh = 'Legal troubles/court case' y1q29ii = 'Family/friend arrested/gaol' y1q30 = 'Smoking status now' y1q31 = 'How long ago give up smoking' y1q32a = 'How many cigarettes smoke in a day' y1q32b = 'How many cigarettes used to smoke' y1q33 = 'At what age did you start smoking' y1q34 = 'Ever smoked daily for six months/more' y1q35 = 'How often usually drink alcohol' y1q36 = 'How many drinks usually on one day' y1q37 = 'How often 5+ drinks on one occasion' y1q40 = 'Describe yourself now' y1q41 = 'Describe weight during childhood' y1q42 = 'How much would you like to weigh' y1q43 = 'Ever dieted to lose weight' y1q44 = 'Number of diets last year' y1q45 = 'Age at first diet' y1q46a = 'Ever lost 5kg on purpose' y1q46b = 'Ever lost 5kg without wanting' y1q47 = 'Ever regained lost weight' y1q48a = 'Past month dissatisfied with weight' y1q48b = 'Past month dissatisfied with shape' y1q49 = 'Ever eaten unusually large amount food' y1q50 = 'Ever felt lost control of eating' y1q51 = 'Age when started to overeat' y1q52a = 'Vomit on purpose to control weight' y1q52b = 'Use laxatives to control weight' y1q52c = 'Use diuretic to control weight' y1q52d = 'Use fasting to control weight' y1q53 = 'Vigorous exercise 20 minutes or more' y1q54 = 'Less vigorous exercise/20 mins/more' y1q55 = 'Work involving exertion 20 mins/more' y1q56 = 'How often do you eat takeaway food' y1q57 = 'Main current employment status' y1q58 = 'Hours spent in paid employment' y1q59 = 'Normally do paid shift work' y1q60 = 'Normally do paid work at night' y1q61 = 'Home normal paid work place' y1q62 = 'How often rushed/pressured/too busy' y1q63 = 'How often time on hands' y1q64a = 'Q64- In paid work' y1q64b = 'Q64- In active leisure' y1q64c = 'Q64- In passive leisure' y1q64d = 'Q64- Studying' y1q64e = 'Q64- Doing voluntary work' y1q64f = 'Q64- In religious activities' y1q64g = 'Q64- Sleeping' y1q64h = 'Q64- Alone' y1q65a = 'Q65- Domestic work' y1q65b = 'Q65- Child care' y1q65c = 'Q65- Caring for another adult' y1q65d = 'Q65- Other household work' y1q66 = 'Main occupation' y1q67a = 'Q67- No-one, I live alone' y1q67b = 'Q67- Partner/spouse' y1q67c = 'Q67- Own children' y1q67d = 'Q67- Someone else"s children' y1q67e = 'Q67- Parents' y1q67f = 'Q67- Brothers/sisters' y1q67g = 'Q67- Other adult relatives' y1q67h = 'Q67- Other non family members' y1q68 = 'Satisfied with child care' y1q69 = 'Provide care ill/disabled/frail' y1q70 = 'Need help with daily tasks' y1q71 = 'Satisfied with help for personal care' y1q72a = 'Anyone tried to hurt/harm you recently' y1q72b = 'Are you sad or lonely' y1q72c = 'Feel nobody wants you around' y1q72d = 'Anyone in family drink lot of alcohol' y1q72e = 'Afraid of anyone in family' y1q72f = 'Have enough privacy' y1q72g = 'Ever in violent relationship' y1q72h = 'Called names/put down/feel bad' y1q73a = 'Family/friends understand you' y1q73b = 'Talk to family/friends about problems' y1q74 = 'Feel you can depend on/close to' y1q76 = 'Age when left school' y1q77 = 'Attending educational institution' y1q78 = 'Highest qualification completed' y1q81 = 'When did you arrive in Australia' y1q83 = 'How well do you speak English' y1q84 = 'Present Marital status' y1q85 = 'Manage on income available' y1q86 = 'Present housing situation' y1q87 = 'Name of ownership/purchase agreement' y1q89 = 'Employment aspirations' y1q90 = 'Ideal job aspirations' y1q91 = 'Marital aspirations' y1q92 = 'Children aspirations' y1q93 = 'Educational qualifications aspirations' y1q94a = 'Q94- Work/career/study' y1q94b = 'Q94- Family relationships' y1q94c = 'Q94- Partner/close relationships' y1q94d = 'Q94- Friendships' y1q94e = 'Q94- Social activities' /** SF36 labels **/ y1bp = 'SF36 Pain Index' y1gh = 'SF36 General Health Perceptions' y1ht = 'Raw SF36 Health Transition' y1mh = 'SF36 Mental Health Index' y1pf = 'SF36 Physical Functioning' y1re = 'SF36 Role Emotional' y1rp = 'SF36 Role Physical' y1sf = 'SF36 Social Functioning' y1vt = 'SF36 Vitality' y1mcsa = 'Mental Component Scale-Aust' y1mcswha = 'Mental Component Scale-WHA' y1pcsa = 'Physical Component Scale-Aust' y1pcswha = 'Physical Component Scale-WHA' y1pcs_abs = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST general' y1mcs_abs = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST general' y1pcs_us = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - US General' y1mcs_us = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - US General' ;