/* Survey 3 of the 1946-51 Cohort - variables and their labels in SAS code - April 2020 */ LABEL IDalias = 'ID number' agegp = 'Age group' m1wtarea = 'Weight by area' m3wtkg = 'Weight in kgs' m3htcm = 'Height in cms' m3bmi = 'Body Mass Index' m3WHObmigroup = 'BMI classification' m3labf = 'Labour Force Participation' m3paid = 'Payment for work' m3hrswork = 'Hours worked' m3hrs = 'Hours worked Status' m3ariapgp = 'Aria+ grouped' m3lotr = 'Life orientation test -revised' m3percon = 'Perceived (Life) Control' m3I_Urban = 'Seifa Urban Index of Advantage' m3I_Rural = 'Seifa Rural Index Advantage' m3I_DisAd = 'Seifa Index of Disadvantage' m3I_EconR = 'Seifa Index of Economic Resources' m3I_EdOcc = 'Seifa Index of Education and Occupation' m3mnsocsup6 = 'MOS 6 item score' m3socsupgp6 = 'MOS 6 item score grouped' m3cesd10 = 'CESD-10' m3lfstfy = 'Life satisfaction' m3marital = 'Marital status' m3menstat = 'Menopause status' m3menstatgp = 'Menopause grouped status' m3mnstrs = 'Mean Stress' m3nhsfty = 'Neighbourhood Safety Score' m3nhstsf = 'Neighbourhood Satisfaction Score' m3proplev = 'Proportion of Life events' m3rrma = 'RRMA' m3smokst = 'Smoking status' m3state = 'State' m3survey = 'Survey status' m3q1 = 'General Health' m3q2 = 'Health Now' m3q3a = 'Health limit vigorous activities' m3q3b = 'Health limit moderate activities' m3q3c = 'Health limit lifting or carrying' m3q3d = 'Health limit climbing flights stairs' m3q3e = 'Health limit climbing 1 flight stairs' m3q3f = 'Health limit bending or kneeling' m3q3g = 'Health limit walking one kilometre' m3q3h = 'Health limit walking half kilometre' m3q3i = 'Health limit walking 100metres' m3q3j = 'Health limit bathing or dressing' m3q4a = 'Physical health/cut time spent' m3q4b = 'Physical health/accomplish less' m3q4c = 'Physical health/limited in type work' m3q4d = 'Physical health/difficulty performing' m3q5a = 'Emotional Health/cut time spent' m3q5b = 'Emotional Health/accomplish less' m3q5c = 'Emotional Health/less careful at work' m3q6 = 'Health interfere with social activities' m3q7 = 'How much bodily pain' m3q8 = 'Pain interfered with work' m3q9a = 'How often feel full of life' m3q9b = 'How often feel nervous person' m3q9c = 'How often felt down in dumps' m3q9d = 'How often calm and peaceful' m3q9e = 'How often have a lot of energy' m3q9f = 'How often felt down' m3q9g = 'How often feel worn out' m3q9h = 'How often feel happy person' m3q9i = 'How often felt tired' m3q10 = 'How much time interfere social life' m3q11a = 'Sick easier than others' m3q11b = 'Healthy as anybody I know' m3q11c = 'Expect my health to get worse' m3q11d = 'My health is excellent' m3q12a = 'Consulted family doctor' m3q12b = 'Consulted hospital doctor' m3q12c = 'Consulted specialist doctor' m3q13a = 'Consulted dentist' m3q13b = 'Consulted physiotherapist' m3q13c = 'Consulted counsellor' m3q13d = 'Consulted pharmacist' m3q13e = 'Consulted optician' m3q13f = 'Consulted dietitian' m3q13g = 'Consulted naturopath' m3q13h = 'Consulted acupuncturist' m3q13i = 'Consulted podiatrist' m3q13j = 'Consulted chripractor' m3q13k = 'Consulted other allied' m3q13l = 'Consulted none of these' m3q14a = 'General practitioner/go to same place' m3q14b = 'General Practitioner/see same doctor' m3q15 = 'General Practitioner/cost last visit' m3q16 = 'Serious illness/condition/disability' m3q17 = 'Health care card' m3q18 = 'Veterans Affairs coverage' m3q19a = 'Private insurance/hospital cover' m3q19b = 'Private insurance/ancillary services' m3q20a = 'Access medical specialists' m3q20b = 'Access hospital if needed' m3q20c = 'Access emergency medical care' m3q20d = 'Access after-hours medical care' m3q20e = 'Access GP who bulk bills' m3q20f = 'Access female GP' m3q20g = 'Hours GP available' m3q20h = 'Number GPs choose from' m3q20i = 'Ease seeing GP of choice' m3q20j = 'Waiting time for GP appointment' m3q20k = 'Outcomes of medical care' m3q20l = 'Ease obtaining mammogram' m3q20m = 'Ease obtaining Pap test' m3q20n = 'Availability medical info by phone' m3q20o = 'Services for prescriptions filled' m3q20p = 'Access counselling service' m3q20q = 'Access womens health centre' m3q21 = 'Life isn"t worth living' m3q22 = 'Past 6 months/deliberately hurt' m3q23a = 'When last had a Pap test' m3q23b = 'When last had a mammogram' m3q24a = 'Ever had abnormal Pap result' m3q24b = 'Ever had abonormal mammogram result' m3q25a = 'Had breasts examined by doctor' m3q25b = 'Regular monthly breast self examination' m3q25c = 'Blood pressure checked by doctor' m3q25d = 'Cholesterol check by doctor' m3q25e = 'None of the above' m3q26a = 'Currently taking oral contraceptive' m3q26b = 'Currently taking HRT' m3q27a = 'Had a hysterectomy' m3q27b = 'Menstrual bleeding 12 months' m3q27c = 'Menstrual bleeding 3 months' m3q28 = 'Compare periods with 12 months ago' m3q29 = 'What age periods stop/menopause' m3q30a = 'Tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant' m3q30b = 'Diagnosed as infertile by a doctor' m3q30c = 'Partner diagnosed infertile by doctor' m3q30d = 'Treatment for infertility' m3q30e = 'Partner treatment for infertility' m3q30f = 'None of these' m3q31 = 'Sexual orientation' m3q33Aa = 'Prescribed medication for nerves' m3q33Ab = 'Prescribed medication for stress' m3q33Ac = 'Prescribed medication help sleep' m3q33Ad = 'Prescribed medication for tiredness' m3q33Ae = 'Prescribed medication for depression' m3q33Af = 'Prescribed medication/menopause symptoms' m3q33Ag = 'Prescribed medication for pain' m3q33Ah = 'Prescribed medication for arthritis' m3q33Ai = 'Prescribed medication for chronic' m3q33Aj = 'Prescribed medication for bowel' m3q33Ak = 'Prescribed medication for skin' m3q33Ba = 'Other medication for nerves' m3q33Bb = 'Other medication for stress' m3q33Bc = 'Other medication help sleep' m3q33Bd = 'Other medication for tiredness' m3q33Be = 'Other medication for depression' m3q33Bf = 'Other medication/menopause symptoms' m3q33Bg = 'Other medication for pain' m3q33Bh = 'Other medication for arthritis' m3q33Bi = 'Other medication for chronic' m3q33Bj = 'Other medication for bowel' m3q33Bk = 'Other medication for skin' m3q33l = 'None of these' m3q34 = 'Past 4 weeks/how many vitamins etc' m3q35a = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/arthritis' m3q35b = '3 yrs diagnosed/treated/insulin diabetes' m3q35c = '3 yrs diagnosed/treated/non-insulin ' m3q35d = '3 yrs diagnosed/treated/impaired glucose' m3q35e = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/heart disease' m3q35f = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/hypertension' m3q35g = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/stroke' m3q35h = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/thrombosis' m3q35i = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/low iron' m3q35j = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/asthma' m3q35k = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/bronchitis' m3q35l = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/osteoporosis' m3q35m = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/breast cancer' m3q35n = '3 yrs diagnosed/treated/cervical cancer' m3q35o = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/bowel cancer' m3q35p = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/other cancer' m3q35q = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/depression' m3q35r = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/anxiety' m3q35s = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/psychiatric' m3q35t = '3 yrs diagnosed/treated/chronic fatigue' m3q35u = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/STD' m3q35v = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/HIV or AIDS' m3q35w = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/hepatitis B/C' m3q35x = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/other major' m3q35y = 'Past 3 yrs diagnosed/treated/none of these' m3q36a = 'Past 3 yrs/had a hysterectomy' m3q36b = 'Past 3 yrs/had both ovaries removed' m3q36c = 'Past 3 yrs/had repair of prolapsed' m3q36d = 'Past 3 yrs/had endometrial ablation' m3q36e = 'Past 3 yrs/had a tubal ligation' m3q36f = 'Past 3 yrs/had a mastectomy' m3q36g = 'Past 3 yrs/had a lumpectomy' m3q36h = 'Past 3 yrs/had a breast biopsy' m3q36i = 'Past 3 yrs/had a cholecystectomy' m3q36j = 'Past 3 yrs/had any cosmetic surgery' m3q36k = 'Past 3 yrs/had gastroscopy/colonoscopy' m3q36l = 'Past 3 yrs/had none of these' m3q37Aa = 'Symptoms allergies/hay fever/sinus' m3q37Ab = 'Symptoms breathing difficulty' m3q37Ac = 'Symptoms indigestion/heartburn' m3q37Ad = 'Symptoms chest pain' m3q37Ae = 'Symptoms headaches/migraines' m3q37Af = 'Symptoms severe tiredness' m3q37Ag = 'Symptoms stiff or painful joints' m3q37Ah = 'Symptoms back pain' m3q37Ai = 'Symptoms urine burns or stings' m3q37Aj = 'Symptoms leaking urine' m3q37Ak = 'Symptoms pass urine more than twice/night' m3q37Al = 'Symptoms haemorrhoids ' m3q37Am = 'Symptoms other bowel problems' m3q37An = 'Symptoms vaginal discharge/irritation' m3q37Ao = 'Symptoms premenstrual tension' m3q37Ap = 'Symptoms irregular monthly periods' m3q37Aq = 'Symptoms heavy periods' m3q37Ar = 'Symptoms severe period pain' m3q37As = 'Symptoms hot flushes' m3q37At = 'Symptoms night sweats' m3q37Au = 'Symptoms eyesight problems' m3q37Av = 'Symptoms hearing problems' m3q37Aw = 'Symptoms difficulty sleeping' m3q37Ax = 'Symptoms depression' m3q37Ay = 'Symptoms poor memory' m3q37Az = 'Symptoms episodes of intense anxiety' m3q37Aaa = 'Symptoms palpitations' m3q37Ba = 'Seek help allergies/hay fever/sinus' m3q37Bb = 'Seek help breathing difficulty' m3q37Bc = 'Seek help indigestion/heartburn' m3q37Bd = 'Seek help chest pain' m3q37Be = 'Seek help headaches/migraines' m3q37Bf = 'Seek help severe tiredness' m3q37Bg = 'Seek help stiff or painful joints' m3q37Bh = 'Seek help back pain' m3q37Bi = 'Seek help urine burns or stings' m3q37Bj = 'Seek help leaking urine' m3q37Bk = 'Seek help pass urine more than twice/night' m3q37Bl = 'Seek help haemorrhoids ' m3q37Bm = 'Seek help other bowel problems' m3q37Bn = 'Seek help vaginal discharge/irritation' m3q37Bo = 'Seek help premenstrual tension' m3q37Bp = 'Seek help irregular monthly periods' m3q37Bq = 'Seek help heavy periods' m3q37Br = 'Seek help severe period pain' m3q37Bs = 'Seek help hot flushes' m3q37Bt = 'Seek help night sweats' m3q37Bu = 'Seek help eyesight problems' m3q37Bv = 'Seek help hearing problems' m3q37Bw = 'Seek help difficulty sleeping' m3q37Bx = 'Seek help depression' m3q37By = 'Seek help poor memory' m3q37Bz = 'Seek help episodes of intense anxiety' m3q37Baa = 'Seek help palpitations' m3q37Ca = 'Not satisfied allergies/hayfever/sinus' m3q37Cb = 'Not satisfied breathing difficulty' m3q37Cc = 'Not satisfied indigestion/heartburn' m3q37Cd = 'Not satisfied chest pain' m3q37Ce = 'Not satisfied headaches/migraines' m3q37Cf = 'Not satisfied severe tiredness' m3q37Cg = 'Not satisfied stiff or painful joints' m3q37Ch = 'Not satisfied back pain' m3q37Ci = 'Not satisfied urine burns or stings' m3q37Cj = 'Not satisfied leaking urine' m3q37Ck = 'Not satisfied urine more than twice/night' m3q37Cl = 'Not satisfied haemorrhoids ' m3q37Cm = 'Not satisfied other bowel problems' m3q37Cn = 'Not satisfied vaginal discharge/irritation' m3q37Co = 'Not satisfied premenstrual tension' m3q37Cp = 'Not satisfied irregular monthly periods' m3q37Cq = 'Not satisfied heavy periods' m3q37Cr = 'Not satisfied severe period pain' m3q37Cs = 'Not satisfied hot flushes' m3q37Ct = 'Not satisfied night sweats' m3q37Cu = 'Not satisfied eyesight problems' m3q37Cv = 'Not satisfied hearing problems' m3q37Cw = 'Not satisfied difficulty sleeping' m3q37Cx = 'Not satisfied depression' m3q37Cy = 'Not satisfied poor memory' m3q37Cz = 'Not satisfied episodes of intense anxiety' m3q37Caa = 'Not satisfied palpitations' m3q38a = 'Mother still living' m3q38b = 'Father still living' m3q39a = 'Stress own health' m3q39b = 'Stress health of family' m3q39c = 'Stress work/employment' m3q39d = 'Stress living arrangements' m3q39e = 'Stress study' m3q39f = 'Stress money' m3q39g = 'Stress relationship with parents' m3q39h = 'Stress relationship partner/spouse' m3q39i = 'Stress relationship children' m3q39j = 'Stress relationship other family members' m3q40a = 'Coping/walking/exercise/sport' m3q40b = 'Coping/TV/listening to music/reading' m3q40c = 'Coping/socialising/talking to good friend' m3q40d = 'Coping/writing/drawing/creative activity' m3q40e = 'Coping/wanting to be alone' m3q40f = 'Coping/throwing things/slamming doors' m3q40g = 'Coping/smoking/using drugs or alcohol' m3q40h = 'Coping/eating more' m3q40i = 'Coping/eating less' m3q40j = 'Coping/yoga/meditation etc' m3q41 = 'How often/smoke cigarettes' m3q42 = 'Average cigarettes each week' m3q43 = 'Age stopped smoking daily' m3q44a = 'Unusually bothered by things' m3q44b = 'Trouble keeping mind on' m3q44c = 'Felt depressed' m3q44d = 'Everything was an effort' m3q44e = 'Hopeful about future' m3q44f = 'Felt fearful' m3q44g = 'Sleep was restless' m3q44h = 'I was happy' m3q44i = 'Felt lonely' m3q44j = 'Could not get going' m3q44k = 'Felt terrific' m3q45Aa = 'Last 12 months/major personal illness' m3q45Ab = 'Last 12 months/major personal injury' m3q45Ac = 'Last 12 months/major personal achievement' m3q45Ad = 'Last 12 months/major surgery' m3q45Ae = 'Last 12 months/going through menopause' m3q45Af = 'Last 12 months/decline health partner' m3q45Ag = 'Last 12 mnths/decline family member/friend' m3q45Ah = 'Last 12 months/start personal relationship' m3q45Ai = 'Last 12 months/infidelity partner/spouse' m3q45Aj = 'Last 12 months/break-up personal rship' m3q45Ak = 'Last 12 months/divorce' m3q45Al = 'Last 12 months/conflict teenage children' m3q45Am = 'Last 12 months/child leave home' m3q45An = 'Last 12 months/death spouse/partner' m3q45Ao = 'Last 12 months/death of child' m3q45Ap = 'Last 12 months/death close family member' m3q45Aq = 'Last 12 months/death close friend' m3q45Ar = 'Last 12 months/change at work' m3q45As = 'Last 12 months/retirement' m3q45At = 'Last 12 months/spouse/partner retiring' m3q45Au = 'Last 12 months/you or partner redundant' m3q45Av = 'Last 12 months/decreased income' m3q45Aw = 'Last 12 months/moving house' m3q45Ax = 'Last 12 months/natural disaster/house fire' m3q45Ay = 'Last 12 mths/loss/damage/personal property' m3q45Az = 'Last 12 months/being robbed' m3q45Aaa = 'Last 12 months/involved serious accident' m3q45Abb = 'Last 12 months/being pushed/grabbed/etc' m3q45Acc = 'Last 12 months/force/unwanted sexual act' m3q45Add = 'Last 12 months/legal troubles/court case' m3q45Aee = 'Last 12 mths/family/friend/arrested/gaol' m3q45Ba = 'More 12 months/major personal illness' m3q45Bb = 'More 12 months/major personal injury' m3q45Bc = 'More 12 months/major personal achievement' m3q45Bd = 'More 12 months/major surgery' m3q45Be = 'More 12 months/going through menopause' m3q45Bf = 'More 12 months/decline health partner' m3q45Bg = 'More 12 mnths/decline family member/friend' m3q45Bh = 'More 12 months/start personal relationship' m3q45Bi = 'More 12 months/infidelity partner/spouse' m3q45Bj = 'More 12 months/break-up personal rship' m3q45Bk = 'More 12 months/divorce' m3q45Bl = 'More 12 months/conflict teenage children' m3q45Bm = 'More 12 months/child leave home' m3q45Bn = 'More 12 months/death spouse/partner' m3q45Bo = 'More 12 months/death of child' m3q45Bp = 'More 12 months/death close family member' m3q45Bq = 'More 12 months/death close friend' m3q45Br = 'More 12 months/change at work' m3q45Bs = 'More 12 months/retirement' m3q45Bt = 'More 12 months/spouse/partner retiring' m3q45Bu = 'More 12 months/you or partner redundant' m3q45Bv = 'More 12 months/decreased income' m3q45Bw = 'More 12 months/moving house' m3q45Bx = 'More 12 months/natural disaster/house fire' m3q45By = 'More 12 mths/loss/damage/personal property' m3q45Bz = 'More 12 months/being robbed' m3q45Baa = 'More 12 months/involved serious accident' m3q45Bbb = 'More 12 months/being pushed/grabbed/etc' m3q45Bcc = 'More 12 months/force/unwanted sexual act' m3q45Bdd = 'More 12 months/legal troubles/court case' m3q45Bee = 'More 12 mths/family/friend/arrested/gaol' m3q45ff = 'None of these events' m3q47a = 'How often 3yrs/lost 5kg on purpose' m3q47b = 'How often 3yrs/lost 5kg other reason' m3q47c = 'How often 3yrs/gained 5kg' m3q49a = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/cola' m3q49b = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/diet cola' m3q49c = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/carbonated' m3q49d = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/cordials' m3q49e = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/milk' m3q49f = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/fruit/vege' m3q49g = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/tea' m3q49h = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/herbal tea' m3q49i = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/coffee' m3q49j = 'Last 12 months/how often drink/water' m3q68a = 'Last week/times/walking briskly' m3q68b = 'Last week/times/moderate leisure' m3q68c = 'Last week/times/vigorous leisure' m3q68d = 'Last week/times/vigorous household' m3q69ah = 'Last week/hours/walking briskly' m3q69am = 'Last week/minutes/walking briskly' m3q69bh = 'Last week/hours/moderate leisure' m3q69bm = 'Last week/minutes/moderate leisure' m3q69ch = 'Last week/hours/vigorous leisure' m3q69cm = 'Last week/minutes/vigorous leisure' m3q69dh = 'Last week/hours/vigorous household' m3q69dm = 'Last week/minutes/vigorous household' m3q70a = 'How many hrs each day/sitting/week day' m3q70b = 'How many hrs each day/sitting/weekend day' m3q71a = 'Last week/time spent/full-time paid work' m3q71b = 'Last week/time spent/permanent PT paid' m3q71c = 'Last week/time spent/casual paid work' m3q71d = 'Last week/time spent/home duties' m3q71e = 'Last week/time spent/work without pay' m3q71f = 'Last week/time spent/looking for work' m3q71g = 'Last week/time spent/unpaid voluntary' m3q71h = 'Last week/time spent/active leisure' m3q71i = 'Last week/time spent/passive leisure' m3q71j = 'Last week/time spent/studying' m3q71k = 'Last week/time spent/socialising' m3q71l = 'Last week/time spent/using computer' m3q72a = 'Normally/paid shift work' m3q72b = 'Normally/paid work at night' m3q72c = 'Normally/paid work from home' m3q72d = 'Normally/run own business from home' m3q72e = 'Normally/run own business from elsewhere' m3q72f = 'None of the above' m3q73a = 'Rushed/pressured/too busy' m3q73b = 'Time on hands' m3q74 = 'Provide unpaid care for children' m3q75 = 'Need help with daily tasks' m3q76a = 'Provide care/assistance/lives with you' m3q76b = 'Provide care/assistance/lives elsewhere' m3q77 = 'How many provide care for' m3q78 = 'How often in total provide care' m3q79 = 'How much time spend providing care' m3q80a = 'Main occupation self' m3q80b = 'Main occupation partner' m3q81a = 'Support/if confined to bed' m3q81b = 'Support/take you to a doctor' m3q81c = 'Support/share most private worries' m3q81d = 'Support/suggestion for personal problem' m3q81e = 'Support/do something enjoyable with' m3q81f = 'Support/love and make you feel wanted' m3q82a = 'Sorry if move away from neighbourhood' m3q82b = 'Lot in common with people in neighbourhood' m3q82c = 'Trust neighbours to look out for property' m3q82d = 'People/neighbourhood difficult/to live' m3q82e = 'Good friends with many in neighbourhood' m3q82f = 'Like living where live' m3q82g = 'Little do with people in neighbourhood' m3q82h = 'Neighbours treat with respect' m3q82i = 'Children safe during day' m3q82j = 'Get involved with most local issues' m3q82k = 'People in neighbourhood help each other' m3q82l = 'No longer lived here/hardly anyone notice' m3q82m = 'Safe to walk around neighbourhood at night' m3q83a = 'At home/feel have control most situations' m3q83b = 'What happens in life/beyond my control' m3q83c = 'Next 5-10 yrs/more positive than negative' m3q83d = 'Often feeling being treated unfairly' m3q83e = 'Past 10 yrs/changes without knowing what' m3q83f = 'Gave up trying/big improvements' m3q84a = 'Uncertain times/usually expect best' m3q84b = 'If something can go wrong for me it will' m3q84c = 'Always optimistic about my future' m3q84d = 'Hardly ever expect things to go my way' m3q84e = 'Rarely count good things happening to me' m3q84f = 'Overall, expect more good than bad' m3q85 = 'Rship status based on living arrangements' m3q86 = 'Formal registered marital status' m3q87a = 'Average gross income each week/self' m3q87b = 'Average gross income each week/household' m3q88 = 'How many dependent on household income' m3q89 = 'How do you manage on income available' m3q90a = 'Do you live alone' m3q90b = 'Do you live with partner/spouse' m3q90c = 'How many children under 16 yrs live with' m3q90d = 'How many children 16-18 live with' m3q90e = 'How many children over 18 live with' m3q90f = 'How many parents or in-laws live with' m3q90g = 'How many other adult relatives live with' m3q90h = 'How many other adults live with' m3q91 = 'People not live with/dependent on income' m3q92 = 'Used mobile/make/receive 20 or more calls' m3q93a = 'Satisfied with achieved in work' m3q93b = 'Satisfied with achieved in career' m3q93c = 'Satisfied with achieved in study' m3q93d = 'Satisfied with achieved family relships' m3q93e = 'Satisfied with achieved in partner relship' m3q93f = 'Satisfied with achieved in friendships' m3q93g = 'Satisfied with achieved social activities' /** 13 SF36 items **/ m3MH = 'SF36 MENTAL HEALTH INDEX (0-100)' m3RE = 'SF36 ROLE-EMOTIONAL (0-100)' m3SF = 'SF36 SOCIAL FUNCTIONING (0-100)' m3VT = 'SF36 VITALITY (0-100)' m3GH = 'SF36 GENERAL HEALTH PERCEPTIONS (0-100)' m3BP = 'SF36 PAIN INDEX (0-100)' m3RP = 'SF36 ROLE-PHYSICAL (0-100)' m3PF = 'SF36 PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING (0-100)' m3HT = 'RAW SF36 HEALTH TRANSITION ITEM' m3PCSA = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST' m3MCSA = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST' m3PCSWHA = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - WHA MID' m3MCSWHA = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - WHA MID' m3pcs_abs = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST general' m3mcs_abs = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - AUST general' m3pcs_us = 'PHYSICAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - US General' m3mcs_us = 'MENTAL COMPONENT SCALE-00 - US General' ;