/* Survey 3 of the 1989-95 Cohort - variables and their labels in SAS code - April 2020 */ label SF36001 = "In general, would you say your health is?" comind = "Comment indicator" REPH048 = "Which of these most closely describes your sexual orientation?" REPH132 = "Are you currently pregnant?" REPH272 = "Have you ever had vaginal sex? This means penis in vagina sex." REPH233 = "Ever had a live birth" REPH240 = "Have you ever become pregnant by accident?" REPH241 = "How many times have you been pregnant?" SMOK007 = "How often do you currently smoke cigarettes or any tobacco products?" SMOK011 = "Have you ever smoked DAILY? " SMOK012 = "At what age did you finally stop smoking DAILY?" SMOK016 = "If you smoke daily, on average how many cigarettes do you smoke EACH DAY?" SMOK017 = "If you smoke, but not daily, on average how many cigarettes do you smoke PER WEEK?" SMOK029 = "In your lifetime, would you have smoked at least 100 cigarettes (or equivalent)? " SMOK024 = "At what age did you start smoking DAILY?" SMOK043 = "At what age did you stop smoking?" STRS001 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your own health " STRS002 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Health of family members " STRS003 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Work / employment " STRS004 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Living arrangements " STRS005 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Study " STRS006 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Money " STRS007 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Relationship with parents " STRS008 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Relationship with partner / spouse " STRS010 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Relationship with other family members " STRS030 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Relationship with friends " STRS031 = "Last 12 months how stressed over your Motherhood / Children " TIME047 = "In a seven day week, on how many DAYS would you say you are AT WORK" TIME048 = "On average, on days when you are AT WORK, how many hours per day do you work?" SITNWDTOTMIN1 = "Sitting NON-work day hours transport, total minutes" SITNWDTOTMIN2 = "Sitting NON-work day hours work, total minutes" SITNWDTOTMIN3 = "Sitting NON-work day hours tv, total minutes" SITNWDTOTMIN4 = "Sitting NON-work day hours computer, total minutes" SITNWDTOTMIN5 = "Sitting NON-work day hours leisure, total minutes" SITWDTOTMIN1 = "Sitting work day hours transport, total minutes" SITWDTOTMIN2 = "Sitting work day hours work, total minutes" SITWDTOTMIN3 = "Sitting work day hours tv, total minutes" SITWDTOTMIN4 = "Sitting work day hours computer, total minutes" SITWDTOTMIN5 = "Sitting work day hours leisure, total minutes" VIGCHORETOTMIN = "Total minutes spent last week, vigorous household/garden " VIGLEISTOTMIN = "Total minutes spent last week, vigorous leisure " WALKBRISKTOTMIN = "Total minutes spent last week, walking briskly " alcnhmrc = "NHMRC alcohol classification " alcpatt = "Alcohol drinking pattern " ariapgp = "ARIA+ Grouped " k10 = "Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) Score " metmin = "Metabolic minutes " smokst = "Smoking Status " state = "State of Residence " ACES001 ="Did a parent/adult: Often swear at, insult, or put you down?" ACES002 ="Did a parent/adult: Often act in a way that made you afraid that you would be physically hurt?" ACES003 ="Did a parent/adult: Often push, grab, shove, or slap you?" ACES004 ="Did a parent/adult: Often hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured?" ACES005 ="Did a parent/adult: None of the above" ACES006 ="Did an adult/5-year older person ever Touch or fondle you in a sexual way?" ACES007 ="Did an adult/5-year older person ever Have you touch their body in a sexual way?" ACES008 ="Did an adult/5-year older person ever Attempt oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?" ACES009 ="Did an adult/5-year older person ever Actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?" ACES010 ="Did an adult/5-year older person ever None of the above" ACES011 ="Live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?" ACES012 ="Did you: Live with anyone who used street drugs?" ACES013 ="Did you: None of the above" ACES014 ="Was your mother (or stepmother):Sometimes, often, or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at her?" ACES015 ="Was your mother (or stepmother): Sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard?" ACES016 ="Was your mother (or stepmother): Ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes?" ACES017 ="Was your mother (or stepmother): Ever threatened with, or hurt by, a knife or gun?" ACES018 ="Was your mother (or stepmother): None of the above" ACES019 ="Was your father (or stepfather):Sometimes, often, or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at him?" ACES020 ="Was your father (or stepfather): Sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard?" ACES021 ="Was your father (or stepfather): Ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes?" ACES022 ="Was your father (or stepfather): Ever threatened with, or hurt by, a knife or gun?" ACES023 ="Was your father (or stepfather): None of the above" ACES024 ="Was a household member depressed or mentally ill?" ACES025 ="Did a household member attempt suicide?" ACES026 ="Did a household member go to prison?" ACES027 ="None of the above" ACES028 ="Psychological Abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES029 ="Physical Abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES030 ="Sexual Abuse,Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES031 ="Substance Abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES032 ="Parental, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES033 ="Mental Illness, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES034 ="Criminal, Adverse Childhood Experiences" ACES035 ="Adverse Childhood Experiences scale" AGE ="Age of participant at completion" ALCS009 ="How often do you usually drink alcohol?" ALCS010 ="On a day when you drink alcohol, how many standard drinks do you usually have?" ALCS011 ="How often do you have five+ standard drinks of alcohol on one occasion?" ALCS034 ="How many times would you have had five or more standard drinks of alcohol on one occasion in the last 12 months?" ALCS035 ="Pre-loaded with alcohol before going out?" ALCS036 ="Drunk so much that you vomited?" ALCS037 ="Drunk so much that you didn?t remember what happened?" ALCS038 ="Drunk so much that you injured yourself?" ALCS039 ="Drunk so much that you needed medical attention?" CASC138 ="My partner forced me to take part in unwanted sexual activity" CASC132 ="My partner blamed me for causing their violent behaviour" CASC137 ="My partner became upset if dinner / housework wasn't done" CASC136 ="My partner told me that I was ugly, stupid or crazy" CASC139 ="My partner followed me or harassed me" CASC128 ="My partner tried to turn my family, friends or children against me" CASC129 ="My partner kicked, bit, slapped or hit me with a fist" CASC121 ="My partner tried to keep me from seeing or talking to my family, friends or children" CASC122 ="My partner pushed, grabbed, shoved, shook or threw me" CASC133 ="My partner harassed me over the telephone, email, Facebook or internet" CASC134 ="My partner used a knife or gun or other weapon or beat me up" CASC135 ="My partner refused to let me work outside the home or took my wallet and left me stranded" comind =" " CPRB001 ="Allergies, hay fever, sinusitis" CPRB002 ="Breathing difficulties in the last 12 months" CPRB005 ="Headaches / migraines in the last 12 months" CPRB007 ="Stiff or painful joints in the last 12 months" CPRB008 ="Back pain in the last 12 months" CPRB010 ="Urine that burns or stings in the last 12 months" CPRB011 ="Leaking urine in the last 12 months" CPRB012 ="Constipation in the last 12 months" CPRB013 ="Haemorrhoids (piles) in the last 12 months" CPRB014 ="Other bowel problems in the last 12 months" CPRB015 ="Vaginal discharge or irritation in the last 12 months" CPRB016 ="Premenstrual tension in the last 12 months" CPRB018 ="Heavy periods in the last 12 months" CPRB019 ="Severe period pain in the last 12 months" CPRB022 ="Skin problems in the last 12 months" CPRB025 ="Difficulty sleeping in the last 12 months" CPRB084 ="Severe tiredness in the last 12 months" CPRB085 ="Depression in the last 12 months" CPRB238 ="Episodes of intense anxiety in the last 12 months" CPRB239 ="Palpitations in the last 12 months" CPRB276 ="Other mental health problems in the last 12 months" CPRB230 ="Problems with one or both feet in the last 12 months" CPRB181 ="Irregular periods in the last 12 months" DEMO013 ="How do you manage on the income you have available?" DEMO142 ="Are you living overseas?" DEMO154 ="Highest level of education you have completed?" DEMO155 ="Current relationship status" DEMO181 ="Who is the first parent you will answer questions about?" DEMO182 ="Parent1, general working hours while you were attending primary school." DEMO183 ="Parent1, general working hours while you were attending high school." DEMO184 ="Parent1, main paid occupation while you were attending primary school." DEMO185 ="Parent1, main paid occupation while you were attending high school." DEMO186 ="Did your Parent1 predominantly workshift-hours?" DEMO187 ="Was your Parent1 ever unemployed for 6 months or longer?" DEMO188 ="Did your Parent1 ever receive government social security income?" DEMO189 ="What was the highest educational qualification of your Parent1 during your childhood?" DEMO190 ="Who is the second parent you will answer questions about?" DEMO191 ="Parent2, general working hours while you were attending primary school." DEMO192 ="Parent2, general working hours while you were attending high school." DEMO193 ="Parent2, main paid occupation while you were attending primary school." DEMO194 ="Parent2, main paid occupation while you were attending high school." DEMO195 ="Did your Parent2 predominantly workshift-hours?" DEMO196 ="Was your Parent2 ever unemployed for 6 months or longer?" DEMO197 ="Did your Parent2 ever receive government social security income?" DEMO198 ="What was the highest educational qualification of your {v:parent2} during your childhood?" DEMO199 ="Manage on Income, family During primary school" DEMO200 ="Family Manage on Income During high school" DEMO201 ="During your childhood, did your parents divorce or permanently separate?" DEMO202 ="How old were you when parents divorce?" DEMO203 ="Were you ever adopted or fostered?" DEMO204 ="Did you ever receive youth allowance while you were at school?" DEMO205 ="Were you ever away from school for more than 1 month due to illness or injury?" DEMO206 ="Number of Older Siblings at 6: Birth / adopted" DEMO207 ="Number of Older Siblings at 6: Step-siblings / half-siblings" DEMO208 ="Number of Same age Siblings at 6: Birth / adopted" DEMO209 ="Number of Same age Siblings at 6: Step-siblings / half-siblings" DEMO210 ="Number of Younger Siblings at 6: Birth / adopted" DEMO211 ="Number of Younger Siblings at 6: Step-siblings / half-siblings" DEMO212 ="Number of Older Siblings at 18: Birth / adopted" DEMO213 ="Number of Older Siblings at 18: Step-siblings / half-siblings" DEMO214 ="Number of Same age Siblings at 18: Birth / adopted" DEMO215 ="Number of Same age siblings at 18: Step-siblings / half-siblings" DEMO216 ="Number of younger siblings at 18: Birth / adopted" DEMO217 ="Number of younger siblings at 18: Step-siblings / half-siblings" EATS041 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Cola drinks-not diet?" EATS042 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Diet cola drinks?" EATS045 ="last 12 months how often did you drink Milk or soya milk?" EATS046 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Fruit or vegetable juices?" EATS047 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Tea?" EATS048 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Herbal tea?" EATS049 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Coffee?" EATS050 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Water?" EATS056 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Other diet carbonated drinks?" EATS057 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Non-carbonated diet cordials, fruit or sport drinks?" EATS063 ="How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat each day?" EATS066 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Other carbonated drinks-not diet?" EATS067 ="Last 12 months how often did you drink Non-carbonated cordials, fruit or sport drinks - not diet?" EMPL033 ="Are you currently unemployed and actively seeking work?" EMPL093 ="In a usual week, how many hours do you spend doing paid work?" EMPL094 ="In a usual week, how many hours do you spend studying?" EMPL092 ="In a usual week, how many hours do you spend doing work without pay?" EMPL095 ="Are you currently employed and actively seeking more work? " EXER004 ="How many times you did this activity last week. Walking briskly" EXER005 ="How many times you did this activity last week. Moderate leisure activity" EXER006 ="How many times you did this activity last week. Vigorous leisure activity" EXER011 ="How many times you did this activity last week. Vigorous household or garden chores" EXER040 ="Last week did you do any strength or toning activities?" EXER041 ="How many times did you do any strength or toning activities in the last week?" EXERHRS1 ="How many hours spent on this activity last week. Walking briskly" EXERHRS2 ="How many hours spent on this activity last week. Moderate leisure activity" EXERHRS3 ="How many hours spent on this activity last week. Vigorous leisure activity" EXERHRS4 ="How many hours spent on this activity last week. Vigorous household or garden chores" EXERMINS1 ="How many minutes spent on this activity last week. Walking briskly" EXERMINS2 ="How many minutes spent on this activity last week. Moderate leisure activity" EXERMINS3 ="How many minutes spent on this activity last week. Vigorous leisure activity" EXERMINS4 ="How many minutes spent on this activity last week. Vigorous household or garden chores" FAMF023 ="Have you ever been in a violent relationship with a partner" FAMF064 ="Someone to help you if you are confined to bed" FAMF065 ="Someone you can count on to listen to you when you need to talk" FAMF066 ="Someone to give you good advice about a crisis" FAMF067 ="Someone to take you to the doctor if you need it" FAMF068 ="Someone who shows you love and affection" FAMF069 ="Someone to have a good time with" FAMF070 ="Someone to give you information to help you understand a situation" FAMF071 ="Someone to confide in or talk to about yourself or your problems" FAMF072 ="Someone who hugs you" FAMF073 ="Someone to get together with for relaxation" FAMF074 ="Someone to prepare your meals if you are unable to do it yourself" FAMF075 ="Someone whose advice you really want" FAMF076 ="Someone to do things with to help you get your mind off things" FAMF077 ="Someone to help with daily chores if you are sick" FAMF078 ="Someone to share your most private worries and fears with" FAMF079 ="Someone to turn to for suggestions about how to deal with a personal problem" FAMF080 ="Someone to do something enjoyable with" FAMF081 ="Someone who understands your problems" FAMF082 ="Someone to love and make you feel wanted" FAMF206 ="Did someone help you fill in this survey?" FAMF207 ="Reason for needing help to fill out survey" FAMF209 ="Have you ever had a partner or spouse?" FFQV001 ="How many pieces of fresh fruit do you usually eat per day?" HSRV201 ="Where do you get information about your health? School, University, TAFE" HSRV202 ="Where do you get information about your health? Friends" HSRV203 ="Where do you get information about your health? Internet" HSRV204 ="Where do you get information about your health? Family member" HSRV205 ="Where do you get information about your health? Nurse" HSRV206 ="Where do you get information about your health? Doctor" HSRV207 ="Where do you get information about your health? Family planning, sexual health clinic" HSRV208 ="Where do you get information about your health? Youth, community services" HSRV209 ="Where do you get information about your health? TV,radio,magazines,poster,leaflet" HSRV210 ="Where do you get information about your health? (Other (please specify))" HSRV210_TEXT ="Description of Other (please specify)" HSRV211 ="Where do you get information about your health? None of these" HSRV213 ="Where do you get information about your health? Journal articles, textbooks, books" HSRV214 ="Where do you get information about your health? Other health professionals" REPH333 ="Do you use? I use condoms" REPH334 ="Do you use? I use a copper intrauterine device (IUD)" REPH335 ="Do you use? I use emergency contraception (eg morning after pill)" REPH336 ="Do you use? I use an implant (eg Implanon)" REPH337 ="Do you use? I use an injection (eg Depo-provera)" REPH338 ="Do you use? I don't use contraception" REPH339 ="Do you use? I use a combined oral contraceptive pill (The Pill)" REPH340 ="Do you use? I use another method of contraception" REPH341 ="Do you use? I use a progestogen intrauterine device (IUD) (eg Mirena)" REPH342 ="Do you use? I use a progestogen only contraceptive pill (The Mini Pill)" REPH343 ="Do you use? I use a safe period method (eg natural family planning, )" REPH344 ="Do you use? I use the oral contraceptive pill but I don't know what type" REPH345 ="Do you use? I use a vaginal ring (eg Nuvaring)" REPH346 ="Do you use? I use the withdrawal method" REPH160 = "Number of miscarriages" /*REPH244 = "Number of miscarriages" */ REPH245 = "Number of abortions or terminations for personal reasons" REPH246 = "Number of abortions or terminations for medical reasons" REPH247 = "Number of Ectopic pregnancies (tubal pregnancies)" MEDH378 ="Ever had Low iron (iron deficiency or anaemia)" MEDH379 ="Ever had Asthma" MEDH381 ="Ever had endometriosis" MEDH383 ="Ever had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" MEDH386 ="Ever had major physical illness" MEDH386_TEXT ="Other major physical illness" MEDH466 ="Ever had None of these major physical illnesses" MEDH388 ="Ever had None of these mental conditions" MEDH389 ="Ever had Urinary tract infection" MEDH390 ="Ever had Chlamydia" MEDH391 ="Ever had Genital herpes" MEDH392 ="Ever had Genital warts (HPV)" MEDH394 ="Ever had Hepatitis B or C" MEDH417 ="Ever had Thrush or yeast infection" MEDH418 ="Ever had Gonorrhoea" MEDH452 ="Ever had none of these sexual conditions" MEDH396 ="Ever had depression" MEDH397 ="Ever had anxiety disorder" MEDH398 ="Ever had other major mental illness" MEDH398_TEXT ="Other major mental illness" MEDH413 ="Ever had post-tramatic stress disorder (PTSD)" MEDH414 ="Ever had anorexia" MEDH415 ="Ever had bulimia" MEDH416 ="Ever had bipolar disorder" MEDH455 ="Ever had obsessive compulsive disorder" MEDH456 ="Ever had borderline personality disorder" MEDH454 ="Ever had other eating disorder" MEDH494 = "Have you ever been diagnosed with or treated for Thyroid condition" REPH273 ="Last Time had vaginal sex, used The Pill" REPH274 ="Last Time had vaginal sex,used Condoms" REPH277 ="Last Time had vaginal sex,Other contraceptive" REPH278 ="Last Time had vaginal sex, No contraception" REPH275 ="Last Time had vaginal sex, Implanon" REPH276 ="Last Time had vaginal sex, Mirena" DEMO156 ="I live alone" DEMO157 ="I live with one or both parents" DEMO158 ="I live with other adults" DEMO159 ="I live with my male partner" DEMO160 ="I live with my female partner" DEMO161 ="I live with children" EATS032 ="Do you EXCLUDE red meat from your diet?" EATS033 ="Do you EXCLUDE fish from your diet?" EATS034 ="Do you EXCLUDE poultry from your diet?" EATS040 ="Do you EXCLUDE none of these food groups from your diet?" EATS064 ="Do you EXCLUDE eggs from your diet?" EATS065 ="Do you EXCLUDE Milk and milk products from your diet?" EATS068 ="Do you EXCLUDE these from your diet? (Gluten)" EATS069 ="Do you EXCLUDE these from your diet? (Bread and / or carbohydrates)" HSRV015 ="In general, do you prefer to see a female doctor?" HSRV079 ="Do you have a Health Care Card?" HSRV139 ="Have you consulted a midwife in the last 12 months?" HSRV140 ="Have you consulted a counsellor or other mental health worker in the last 12 months?" HSRV147 ="Have you consulted a community nurse, practice nurse or nurse practitioner in the last 12 months?" HSRV148 ="Have you consulted a physiotherapist in the last 12 months?" HSRV221 ="An exercise physiologist" HSRV049 ="Have you consulted a dentist in last 12 months" HSRV087 ="Have you consulted A dietician or nutritionist in last 12 months" ILLICITTRY ="Have you tried any other illicit drugs?" KTEN001 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?" KTEN002 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel nervous?" KTEN003 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?" KTEN004 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel hopeless?" KTEN005 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?" KTEN006 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?" KTEN007 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel depressed?" KTEN008 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel that everything is an effort?" KTEN009 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?" KTEN010 ="In the past 4 weeks about how often did you feel worthless?" MARIJTRY ="Have you tried Marijuana/Cannabis?" MEDH458 ="Last 12 months, any injury (including poison) for which you received medical treatment?" MEDH459 ="Did any of the injuries: Involve a car, bus, motorbike, pushbike, boat or other form of transport?" MEDH460 ="Did any of the injuries: Involve you getting burnt or scalded?" MEDH461 ="Did any of the injuries: Happen because you fell?" MEDH462 ="Did any of the injuries: Happen because someone meant to hurt you at the time?" MEDH463 ="Did any of the injuries: Happen while you were playing sport, a game or in the water?" MEDH464 ="Did any of the injuries: Happen because you consumed or were exposed to poison?" MODLEISTOTMIN ="Total minutes spent last week, moderate leisure activity" PARENT1 ="Label of first parent" PARENT2 ="Label of second parent" PHTH010 ="ROUTINELY apply sunscreen,..., regardless of whether out in the sun?(Yes - to my face)" PHTH011 ="ROUTINELY apply sunscreen,..., regardless of whether out in the sun?(Yes - to my hands/forearms)" PHTH012 ="ROUTINELY apply sunscreen,..., regardless of whether out in the sun?(Yes - to other parts of my body)" PHTH013 ="ROUTINELY apply sunscreen,..., regardless of whether out in the sun?(No)" PHTH014 ="In the past year, how often: Apply sunscreen?" PHTH015 ="In the past year, how often:Apply moisturisers/makeup with an SPF?" PHTH016 ="In the past year, how often: Wear a hat?" PHTH017 ="How often, in past 12 in the Sum, Wear protective clothing?" PHTH018 ="Which of the following would happen to your skin (with no protection in strong sun for 30 minutes in the middle of the day)?" PHTH019 ="Which of the following would happen to your skin (with no protection) over several weeks?" PWEL005 = "Have you been feeling that life isn't worth living?" PWEL006 = "Have you deliberately hurt yourself that you knew might have harmed or even killed you?" REPH286 ="Have you ever been sexually active?" SMOK040 ="Ever used battery operated electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)? (Yes, in the last 12 months)" SMOK041 ="Ever used battery operated electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)? (Yes, more than 12 months ago)" SMOK042 ="Ever used battery operated electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)? (Never)" toningTOTMINS ="Total time did strength toning last week (Total in Minutes)" mnstrs = 'Mean stress' comind = 'Comment indicator' numbmiss = 'Number of missing items' datstat_numanswered = 'Number answered' birthdate = "Date of birth" bmigroup = "BMI group" bmi = "Body Mass Index" marital = "Marital Status" htcm = "Height (cm)" wtkg = "Weight (kg)" ageMTH = "Age in months" ;