/* Survey 4 of the 1989-95 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - April 2020*/ **PROC FORMAT; VALUE Z4sourcef 1="Full online survery" 2="Short telephone survey"; VALUE z1yes1no0f 0 = 'No' 1 = 'Yes' . = 'missing' ; VALUE z1yesnofmt 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' . = 'missing' ; VALUE z1yesnoNA 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'NA' . = 'missing' ; value z4prompt 0 = "Email invitation / reminder" 1 = "SMS / text message" 2 = "Newsletter" 3 = "Mailed invitation / reminder" 4 = "Facebook" 5 = "Phone call" 6 = "Other social media (Please specify)" 7 = "Other (Please specify)"; VALUE z3bingeno 0 = '0' 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12 or more" 13 = 'About once a month' ; value z4ynpna 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'I prefer not to answer' ; value z4emp 1 = 'No' 2 = 'Yes, unemployed for less than 6 months' 3 = 'Yes, unemployed for 6 months or more' ; VALUE z4occup 1 = "Manager or administrator" 2 = "Professional" 3 = "Associate professional" 4 = "Tradesperson or related worker" 5 = "Advanced clerical or service worker" 6 = "Intermediate clerical, sales or service worker" 7 = "Intermediate production or transport worker " 8 = "Elementary clerical, sales or service worker" 9 = "Labourer or related worker" 10 = "No paid job"; VALUE z1gh 1 = "Excellent" 2 = "Very good" 3 = "Good" 4 = "Fair" 5 = "Poor" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1statefmt 1 = 'NSW' 2 = 'Vic' 3 = 'Qld' 4 = 'SA' 5 = 'WA' 6 = 'Tas' 7 = 'NT' 8 = 'ACT' 9 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE z1ariapgpf 1 = 'Major cities' 2 = 'Inner regional' 3 = 'Outer regional' 4 = 'Remote' 5 = 'Very remote' 6 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing'; VALUE z1MMM 1 = 'Major cities' 2 = 'Large regional' 3 = 'Medium Large regional' 4 = 'Medium regional' 5 = 'Small regional' 6 = 'Remote' 7 = 'Very remote' . = 'Missing'; VALUE z1last12m 1 = "Never" 2 = "Last 12 months only" 3 = "More than 12 months ago" 4 = "Last 12 months and more than 12 months ago" 88 = 'Not Applicable' . = 'missing'; VALUE z2smokef 1 = "Daily" 2 = "At least weekly(but not daily)" 3 = "Less often than weekly" 4 = " Not at all" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1alcf 1 = "I have never drunk alcohol" 2 = "I have drunk alcohol" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1alcfreqf 1 = "I never drink alcohol" 2 = "Less than once a month" 3 = "Less than once a week" 4 = "On 1 or 2 days a week" 5 = "On 3 or 4 days a week" 6 = "On 5 or 6 days a week" 7 = "Every day" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1alcqtyf 0 = "Never drink" 1 = "1 or 2 drinks per day" 2 = "3 or four drinks per day" 3 = "5 to 8 drinks per day" 4 = "9 or more drinks per day" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1bingef 1 = "Never" 2 = "Less than once a month" 3 = "About once a month" 4 = "About once a week" 5 = "More than once a week" . = 'missing'; VALUE z4alcspikef 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Unsure" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1freq5f 1 = "None of the time" 2 = "A little of the time" 3 = "Some of the time" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "All of the time" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1stressF 1 = "Not applicable" 2 = "Not at all stressed" 3 = "Somewhat stressed" 4 = "Moderately stressed" 5 = "Very stressed" 6 = "Extremely stressed" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1highqualf 1 = "Year 10 or below" 2 = "Year 11 or equivalent" 3 = "Year 12 or equivalent" 4 = "Certificate I / II" 5 = "Certificate III / IV" 6 = "Advanced Diploma / Diploma" 7 = "Bachelor degree" 8 = "Graduate diploma / Graduate certificate" 9 = "Postgraduate degree" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1empf 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes, unemployed for less than 6 months" 3 = "Yes, unemployed for 6 months or more" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1hoursf 1 = "0" 2 = "1 - 15" 3 = "16 - 29" 4 = "30 - 34" 5 = "35 - 40" 6 = "41 - 49" 7 = "50 or more" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1manincf 1 = "It is impossible" 2 = "It is difficult all the time" 3 = "It is difficult some of the time" 4 = "It is not too bad" 5 = "It is easy" . = 'missing'; VALUE z1proxyf 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes, but I told them the answers I wanted" 3 = "Yes, but the helper answered for me using his / her own judgement" . = 'missing'; value z1smokst 1='Never smoked' 2='Ex-smoker' 3 = 'Smoker <10 c/d' 4 = 'Smoker 10-19 c/d' 5 = 'Smoker > = 20 c/d' . = 'missing'; value z1exgrp 1='Inactive' 2='Low' 3='Moderate' 4='High' . = 'missing'; VALUE z1alcpat 1 = 'Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk less than weekly' 2 = 'Non-drinker' 3 = 'Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk weekly or more' 4 = 'Risky/high risk drinker' . = 'missing' ; VALUE z1alcnhmrc 1 = 'Low risk drinker' 2 = 'Non-drinker' 3 = 'Rarely drinks' 4 = 'Risky drinker' 5 = 'High risk drinker' . = 'missing' ; VALUE z2currpreg 1 = 'No' 2 = 'Less than 3 months' 3 = '3 to 6 months' 4 = 'More than 6 months' 5 = "Don't know" . = 'missing'; VALUE z2eatavg 1 = 'Never' 2 = 'Less than once per month' 3 = '1 - 3 times per month' 4 = '1 time per week' 5 = '2 times per week' 6 = '3 - 4 times per week' 7 = '5 - 6 times per week' 8 = '1 time per day' 9 = '2 times per day' 10 = '3 times or more per day' . = 'missing'; VALUE z2freshfruit 1 = "I don't eat fruit" 2 = 'Less than 1 piece of fruit per day' 3 = '1 piece of fruit per day' 4 = '2 pieces of fruit per day' 5 = '3 pieces of fruit per day' 6 = '4 or more pieces of fruit per day' . = 'missing'; VALUE z2vegsrv 1 = 'None' 2 = 'Less than one serve' 3 = '1 serve' 4 = '2 serves' 5 = '3 serves' 6 = '4 serves' 7 = '5 serves or more' . = 'missing'; VALUE z4relatf 1 = "I am single" 2 = "I am in a relationship (not living together)" 3 = "I am living with a partner" 4 = "I am engaged" 5 = "I am married" 6 = "I am divorced" 7 = "I am separated" 8 = "I am widowed" . = 'Missing'; VALUE Z4alcmthtimef 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12 or more" . = 'Missing'; VALUE m7sflimit 1 = 'Limited a lot' 2 = 'Limited a little' 3 = 'Not limited' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sfnow 1 = 'Much better' 2 = 'Somewhat better' 3 = 'About the same' 4 = 'Somewhat worse' 5 = 'Much worse' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sfsocial 1 = 'Not at all' 2 = 'Slightly' 3 = 'Moderately' 4 = 'Quite a bit' 5 = 'Extremely' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sfbody 1 = 'No bodily pain' 2 = 'Very mild' 3 = 'Mild' 4 = 'Moderate' 5 = 'Severe' 6 = 'Very severe' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sfpain 1 = 'Not at all' 2 = 'A little bit' 3 = 'Moderately' 4 = 'Quite a bit' 5 = 'Extremely' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sffeel 1 = 'All the time' 2 = 'Most of the time' 3 = 'A good bit of the time' 4 = 'Some of the time' 5 = 'Little of the time' 6 = 'None of the time' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sfintfr 1 = 'All the time' 2 = 'Most of the time' 3 = 'Some of the time' 4 = 'Little of the time' 5 = 'None of the time' . = 'missing' ; VALUE m7sf_t_f 1 = 'Definitely true' 2 = 'Mostly true' 3 = "Don't know" 4 = 'Mostly false' 5 = 'Definitely false' . = 'missing' ; **run ;