/* Survey 5 of the 1921-26 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - April 2020*/ /* Q1, Q2A, Q2B, Q6, Q11, Q26, Q32, Q35, Q43, Q53, Q55, Q65 */ VALUE o5yes1no0f 1 = 'Yes' 0 = 'No' . = 'missing' ; /* Q8, Q15, Q16, Q28, Q34, Q36, Q46, Q47, Q48, Q50, Q67, Q68*/ VALUE o5yes1no2f 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5who 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Healthy weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o5ariap 1 = 'Major cities of Australia' 2 = 'Inner regional Australia' 3 = 'Outer regional Australia' 4 = 'Remote Australia' 5 = 'Very Remote Australia' 6 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o5survstat 1 = 'Full survey' 2 = 'Short phone survey' ; /* Q3 */ VALUE o5consgp 0 = 'None' 1 = '1 or 2 times' 2 = '3 or 4 times' 3 = '5-8 times' 4 = '9-12 times' 5 = '13-15 times' 6 = '16-19 times' 7 = '20 or more times' . = 'missing' ; /* Q4 */ VALUE o5q4hos 0 = 'No' 1 = 'Yes, but did not spend the night' 2 = 'Yes, spent at least a night' . = 'missing' ; /**Q40 **/ VALUE o5Yes1No2NA 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'Not Applicable' . = 'Missing'; /* Q7 */ VALUE o5sfhlth 1 = 'Excellent' 2 = 'Very good' 3 = 'Good' 4 = 'Fair' 5 = 'Poor' . = 'missing' ; /* Q8 */ VALUE o5sfnow 1 = 'Much better' 2 = 'Somewhat better' 3 = 'About the same' 4 = 'Somewhat worse' 5 = 'Much worse' . = 'missing' ; /* Q9 */ VALUE o5sflimit 1 = 'Limited a lot' 2 = 'Limited a little' 3 = 'Not limited' . = 'missing' ; /* Q12 */ VALUE o5sfsocial 1 = 'Not at all' 2 = 'Slightly' 3 = 'Moderately' 4 = 'Quite a bit' 5 = 'Extremely' . = 'missing' ; /* Q13 */ VALUE o5sfbody 1 = 'No bodily pain' 2 = 'Very mild' 3 = 'Mild' 4 = 'Moderate' 5 = 'Severe' 6 = 'Very severe' . = 'missing' ; /* Q14 */ VALUE o5sfpain 1 = 'Not at all' 2 = 'A little bit' 3 = 'Moderately' 4 = 'Quite a bit' 5 = 'Extremely' . = 'missing' ; /* Q15 */ VALUE o5sffeel 1 = 'All the time' 2 = 'Most the time' 3 = 'Good bit of time' 4 = 'Some of time' 5 = 'Little of time' 6 = 'None of time' . = 'missing' ; /* Q16 */ VALUE o5sfintfr 1 = 'All the time' 2 = 'Most the time' 3 = 'Some of time' 4 = 'Little of time' 5 = 'None of time' . = 'missing' ; /* Q17 */ VALUE o5sf_t_f 1 = 'Definitely true' 2 = 'Mostly true' 3 = "Don't know" 4 = 'Mostly false' 5 = 'Definitely false' . = 'missing' ; value o5bother 0 = 'Not at all' 1 = 'Slightly' 2 = 'Moderately' 3 = 'Greatly' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5leakage 0 = 'Never' 1 = 'Less than once a month' 2 = 'A few times a month' 3 = 'A few times a week' 4 = 'Every day and/or night' . = 'missing' ; value o5urineloss 0 = 'None' 1 = 'Drops' 2 = 'Small splashes' 3 = 'More' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5urinefreq 0 = 'Never' 1 = 'Less than once per month' 2 = 'More than a month, less than once per week' 3 = 'More than a week, less than once per day' 4 = 'Once or more per day' . = 'missing' ; /* q23 */ VALUE o5probs 1 = 'Never' 2 = 'Rarely' 3 = 'Sometimes' 4 = 'Often' . = 'missing' ; /* Q29 */ VALUE o5comp20f 1 = 'Much better now' 2 = 'Somewhat better now' 3 = 'About the same' 4 = 'Somewhat worse now' 5 = 'Much worse now' . = 'missing' ; /* Q34, Q35 */ VALUE o5serve 1 = 'None' 2 = '1 serve' 3 = '2-3 serves' 4 = '4 serves' 5 = '5 serves or more' . = 'missing' ; /* Q36 */ VALUE o5glass 1 = '0-2 glasses' 2 = '3-5 glasses' 3 = '6-8 glasses' 4 = '9 or more glasses' . = 'missing' ; /* Q38 */ VALUE o5trantype 1 = 'Car (you drive)' 2 = 'Car (someone else drives)' 3 = 'Taxi' 4 = 'Bus' 5 = 'Tram or train' 6 = 'other' . = 'missing' ; /* Q42 */ VALUE o5diffact 1 = 'No difficulty' 2 = 'Some difficulty' 3 = 'Unable to do' . = 'missing' ; /* ADL */ VALUE o5adl 0 = 'No difficulty' 1 = 'Difficulty but no help required' 2 = 'Help required' . = 'missing' ; /* Q45 */ VALUE o5dwell 1 = 'House' 2 = 'Flat/unit/apartment' 3 = 'Mobile/caravan' 4 = 'Retirement Village' 5 = 'Nursing Home' 6 = 'Hostel' 7 = 'Other' . = 'missing' ; /* Q54 */ VALUE o5ageism 0 = 'Never' 1 = 'Once' 2 = 'More than once' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5volntr 1 = 'Every day' 2 = 'Every week' 3 = 'Every month' 4 = 'Less than once a month' 5 = 'Not at all' . = 'missing' ; /* Q48 */ VALUE o5manage 1 = 'Impossible' 2 = 'Difficult always' 3 = 'Difficult sometimes' 4 = 'Not too bad' 5 = 'Easy' . = 'missing' ; /* Q49 */ VALUE o5marit 1 = 'Married' 2 = 'Defacto' 3 = 'Widowed' 4 = 'Separated' 5 = 'Divorced' 6 = 'Never Married' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5maristat 1 = 'Married' 2 = 'De Facto' 3 = 'Separated' 4 = 'Divorced' 5 = 'Widowed' 6 = 'Never married' . = 'missing' ; /* Q46 */ VALUE o5support 1 = 'Often' 2 = 'Sometimes' 3 = 'Never' . = 'missing' ; /* Q52 */ VALUE o5carechld 1 = 'Yes daily' 2 = 'Yes weekly' 3 = 'Yes occasionally' 4 = 'Never' . = 'missing' ; /* Q58 */ VALUE o5proxy 1 = 'No' 2 = 'Yes, but I told them the answers' 3 = 'Yes, but the helper answered using judgement' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5agegpfmt 1 = 'Young' 2 = 'Mid' 3 = 'Older' ; VALUE o5areafmt 1 = 'Urban' 2 = 'Rural' 3 = 'Remote' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5whobmi 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Acceptable weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE o5rrmafmt 1 = 'Capital city' 2 = 'Other metropolitan' 3 = 'Large rural' 4 = 'Small rural' 5 = 'Other rural' 6 = 'Remote' 7 = 'Other remote' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5statefmt 1 = 'NSW' 2 = 'Vic' 3 = 'Qld' 4 = 'SA' 5 = 'WA' 6 = 'Tas' 7 = 'NT' 8 = 'ACT' 9 = 'Overseas' . = 'missing' ; VALUE o5exgrpf 1 = 'Nil/sedentary' 2 = 'Low' 3 = 'Moderate' 4 = 'High' . = 'missing' ;