/* Survey 6 of the 1973-78 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - April 2020*/ *Proc format ; VALUE y6source 1 = 'Paper' 2 = 'Online' ; VALUE y6ariapgpf 1 = 'Major cities' 2 = 'Inner regional' 3 = 'Outer regional' 4 = 'Remote' 5 = 'Very remote' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6areafmt 1 = 'Urban' 2 = 'Rural' 3 = 'Remote' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6who 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Healthy weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6labf 0= 'not in labour force' 1= 'labour force employed' 2= 'labour force unemployed' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6paid 0= 'Employed, not paid' 1= 'Employed, paid' 2= 'not in labour force/unemployed' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6hrsw 0='none' 1='1-15' 2='16-24' 3='25-34' 4='35-40' 5='41-48' 6='49+' 7='not labf/unemp' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6hrs 0='Not in Labour Force' 1='Part Time' 2='Full Time' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6numpcare 0 = 'Do not provide care' 1 = 'One person' 2 = 'Two person' 3 = 'More than two people' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6oftcare 0 = 'Do not provide care' 1 = 'Every day' 2 = 'Several times a week' 3 = 'Once a week' 4 = 'Once every few weeks' 5 = 'Less often' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6timecare 0 = 'Do not provide care' 1 = 'All day and night' 2 = 'All day' 3 = 'All night' 4 = 'Several hours' 5 = 'About an hour' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6mos 1 = 'All the time' 2 = 'Most' 3 = 'Some' 4 = 'None/little' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6rrmafmt 1 = 'Capital city' 2 = 'Other metropolitan' 3 = 'Large rural' 4 = 'Small rural' 5 = 'Other rural' 6 = 'Remote' 7 = 'Other remote' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6rrmasht 1,2 = 'Urban' 3 = 'Large Rural' 4 = 'Small Rural' 5,6,7 = 'Other rural/Remote' ; VALUE y6statefmt 1 = 'NSW' 2 = 'Vic' 3 = 'Qld' 4 = 'SA' 5 = 'WA' 6 = 'Tas' 7 = 'NT' 8 = 'ACT' 9 = 'Overseas' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6sexor 1 = 'Exclusively heterosexual' 2 = 'Mainly heterosexual' 3 = 'Bisexual' 4 = 'Mainly homosexual (lesbian)' 5 = 'Exclusively homosexual (lesbian)' 6 = "I don't know" 7 = "I don't want to answer" . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6fear 0 = 'Did not apply to me at all' 1 = 'Applied to me some of the time' 2 = 'Applied to me considerably' 3 = 'Applied to me very much, most of the time' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6exgrpf 1 = 'Nil/sedentary' 2 = 'Low' 3 = 'Moderate' 4 = 'High' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6whobmi 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Acceptable weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 <= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6smkstf 1 = 'Never smoked' 2 = 'Ex-smoker' 3 = 'Smoke <10 day' 4 = 'Smoke 10-19 day' 5 = 'Smoke >=20 day' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6smkAIHWf 1 = 'Never smoker' 2 = 'Ex-smoker' 3 = 'Irregular smoker' 4 = 'Weekly smoker' 5 = 'Daily smoker' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6smkday 555 = '< weekly smoker' 666 = 'Non smoker' 777 = 'Weekly smoker' . = 'missing' ; VALUE y6smkwk 555 = '< weekly smoker' 666 = 'Non smoker' 888 = 'Daily smoker' . = 'missing' ; VALUE y6stopsmk 333 = 'Not smoked daily' 444 = 'Not smoked 100' 888 = 'Daily smoker' . = 'missing' ; VALUE y6startsmk 333 = 'Not smoked daily' 444 = 'Not smoked 100' . = 'missing' ; VALUE y6everdail 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'Daily Smoker' 4 = 'Not smoked 100' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6smokef 1 = 'Daily' 2 = 'At least weekly (but not daily)' 3 = 'Less often than weekly' 4 = 'Not at all' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6smokedhu 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'Daily Smoker' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6alnhmrcf 1 = 'Low risk drinker' 2 = 'Non-drinker' 3 = 'Rarely drinks' 4 = 'Risky drinker' 5 = 'High risk drinker' . = 'Missing' ; VALUE y6alcpatf 1 = 'Low risk drinker, >=5 drinks