/* Survey 9 of the 1946-51 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - Nov 2023 */ proc format; value M9ADMTHOSP . = "missing" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes, day only" 3 = "Yes, spent at least one night"; value M9AGREE . = "missing" 1 = "Strongly disagree" 2 = "Disagree" 3 = "Slightly disagree" 4 = "Slightly agree" 5 = "Agree" 6 = "Strongly agree"; value M9AGREEN . = "missing" 1 = "Strongly disagree" 2 = "Disagree" 3 = "Neutral" 4 = "Agree" 5 = "Strongly agree"; value M9ALCFREQPAST . = "missing" 0 = "Never" 1 = "Never, but have in the past" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "< once week" 4 = "1-2 days a week" 5 = "3-4 days a week" 6 = "5-6 days a week" 7 = "Every day"; value M9ALCNHMRCF . = "missing" 1 = "Low risk drinker" 2 = "Non-drinker" 3 = "Rarely drinks" 4 = "Risky drinker" 5 = "High risk drinker"; value M9ALCPATF . = "missing" 1 = "Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk less than weekly" 2 = "Non-drinker" 3 = "Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk weekly or more" 4 = "Risky/high risk drinker"; value M9ALCQTY . = "missing" 0 = "Never drink" 1 = "1-2 drinks" 2 = "3-4 drinks" 3 = "5-8 drinks" 4 = "9+ drinks"; value M9ARIAPGPF . = "missing" 1 = "Major cities" 2 = "Inner regional" 3 = "Outer regional" 4 = "Remote" 5 = "Very remote" 6 = "Overseas"; value M9ARRANGED . = "missing" 1 = "Yes, a legal written agreement" 2 = "Yes, an informal written or verbal agreement" 3 = "No, but I plan to in the future" 4 = "No, I will not need this" 5 = "Don't know"; value M9BEHAVE . = "missing" 1 = "Rarely/none of the time (< 1 day)" 2 = "Some/little of the time (1-2 days)" 3 = "Occasionally/moderate amount of time (3-4 days)" 4 = "Most/all of the time (5-7 days)"; value M9BINGE . = "missing" 0 = "Never drink" 1 = "Never" 2 = "< once a month" 3 = "Once a month" 4 = "Once a week" 5 = "> once a week"; value M9BOTHER . = "missing" 1 = "Not at all" 2 = "Slightly" 3 = "Moderately" 4 = "Greatly"; value M9CAREFOR . = "missing" 1 = "Spouse/partner" 2 = "Child" 3 = "Parent/parent-in-law" 4 = "Grandchild" 5 = "Sibling/sibling-in-law" 6 = "Friend" 7 = "Neighbour" 8 = "Other" 9 = "No care given"; value M9CONSULT . = "missing" 0 = "None" 1 = "Once or twice" 2 = "3 or 4 times" 3 = "5 or 6 times" 4 = "7 to 12 times" 5 = "13 to 24 times" 6 = "25 or more times"; value M9EXGRPF . = "missing" 1 = "Nil/sedentary" 2 = "Low" 3 = "Moderate" 4 = "High"; value M9FALL . = "missing" 1 = "Walking/running" 10 = "Other" 2 = "Going up or down steps, stairs, kerb or gutter" 3 = "Getting out of bed/chair" 4 = "Gardening/housework" 5 = "Carrying or bending" 6 = "Dressing/bathing" 7 = "Visiting the toilet" 8 = "Sport or other recreation" 9 = "Public transport"; value M9GOTOGP . = "missing" 1 = "Always" 2 = "Most of time" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Rarely/never"; value M9HAPPYA . = "missing" 1 = "1 - Not a very happy person" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7 - A very happy person"; value M9HAPPYB . = "missing" 1 = "1 - Less happy" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7 - More happy"; value M9HAPPYC . = "missing" 1 = "1 - Not at all" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7 - A great deal"; value M9HLTHANCIL . = "missing" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No, Vet affairs" 3 = "No, cannot afford it" 4 = "No, not good value" 5 = "No, don't need it" 6 = "No, services not available" 7 = "No, other reason"; value M9HOMEOWN . = "missing" 1 = "Own it outright (including joint ownership with other family members)" 2 = "Own it with a mortgage (including joint ownership with other family members)" 3 = "Rent (private)" 4 = "Rent (public)" 5 = "Pay board / lodging" 6 = "Live rent-free or with life-tenure (ie neither own nor rent)" 7 = "Other"; value M9HOUSESIT . = "missing" 1 = "House in city / town" 2 = "House on acreage / farm" 3 = "Flat / unit / apartment / villa / townhouse" 4 = "Caravan / mobile home / cabin / houseboat" 5 = "Retirement village / self care unit" 6 = "Nursing home / residential aged care" 7 = "Hostel / boarding house" 8 = "Other"; value M9HRS . = "missing" 0 = "Not in Lab Force/Unemployed" 1 = "Part time" 2 = "Full time"; value M9HRSSPEND . = "missing" 1 = "Don't do this activity" 2 = "1-15 hours" 3 = "16-24 hours" 4 = "25-34 hours" 5 = "35-40 hours" 6 = "41-48 hours" 7 = "49 hours or more"; value M9HRSWORK . = "missing" 1 = "1 to 15 hours" 2 = "16 to 24 hours" 3 = "25 to 34 hours" 4 = "35 to 40 hours" 5 = "40 to 48 hours" 6 = "49 + hours" 7 = "Not in Labour Force"; value M9INCM_MNG . = "missing" 1 = "Impossible" 2 = "Difficult always" 3 = "Difficult sometimes" 4 = "Not too bad" 5 = "Easy"; value M9LABF . = "Missing" 0 = "Not in labour force" 1 = "Labour force employed" 2 = "Labour force unemployed"; value M9LEAKAGE . = "missing" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Less than once a month" 3 = "A few times a month" 4 = "A few times a week" 5 = "Every day and/or night"; value M9LIVEWITH . = "missing" 0 = "None" 1 = "One" 2 = "Two" 3 = "Three or more"; value M9MARIF . = "missing" 1 = "Married (opposite sex)" 2 = "Married (same sex)" 3 = "De facto (opposite sex)" 4 = "De facto (same sex)" 5 = "Separated" 6 = "Divorced" 7 = "Widowed" 8 = "Never married"; value M9MARISTAT . = "missing" 1 = "Married (opposite or same sex)" 2 = "De facto (opposite or same sex)" 3 = "Separated" 4 = "Divorced" 5 = "Widowed" 6 = "Never married"; value M9MOS . = "Missing" 1 = "All the time" 2 = "Most of the time" 3 = "Some of the time" 4 = "None/little of the time"; value M9NUMCARE . = "missing" 0 = "No care given" 1 = "One person" 2 = "More than one person"; value M9OFTCARE . = "missing" 0 = "No care given" 1 = "Every day" 2 = "Several times a week" 3 = "Once a week" 4 = "Every few weeks" 5 = "Less often"; value M9PAID . = "Missing" 0 = "Employed, not paid" 1 = "Employed, paid" 2 = "not in labour force/unemployed"; value M9PERSONNEL . = "missing" 1 = "Pharmacist" 2 = "GP/Doctor/Pathologist" 3 = "Nurse" 4 = "Self" 5 = "Other" 6 = "Not applicable"; value M9PROBLEMS . = "missing" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Often"; value M9RATECARE . = "missing" 1 = "Excellent" 2 = "Very good" 3 = "Good" 4 = "Fair" 5 = "Poor" 6 = "Don't know"; value M9RATECST . = "missing" 1 = "No cost" 2 = "Good" 3 = "Fair" 4 = "Poor" 5 = "Don't know"; value M9RETIRE . = "missing" 0 = "Never been in paid work" 1 = "Not retired from paid work" 2 = "Partially retired from paid work" 3 = "Completely retired from paid work"; value M9RETOTH . = "missing" 1 = "Do not expect to ever retire" 3 = "Don't know"; value M9SATISF . = "missing" 1 = "Very dissatisfied" 2 = "Dissatisfied" 3 = "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied" 4 = "Satisfied" 5 = "Very satisfied"; value M9SENSE . = "missing" 1 = "Unable to taste" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "Best possible"; value M9SMELL . = "missing" 1 = "Unable to smell" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "Best possible"; value M9SERVEGEN . = "missing" 1 = "None" 2 = "< 1 serve" 3 = "1 serve" 4 = "2 serves" 5 = "3 serves" 6 = "4 serves" 7 = "5 serves"; value M9SERVFRUIT . = "missing" 1 = "None" 2 = "< 1 piece per day" 3 = "1 piece per day" 4 = "2 pieces per day" 5 = "3 pieces per day" 6 = "4 or more pieces per day"; value M9SF_T_F . = "missing" 1 = "Definitely true" 2 = "Mostly true" 3 = "Don't know" 4 = "Mostly false" 5 = "Definitely false"; value M9SFBODY . = "missing" 1 = "No bodily pain" 2 = "Very mild" 3 = "Mild" 4 = "Moderate" 5 = "Severe" 6 = "Very severe"; value M9SFFEEL . = "missing" 1 = "All the time" 2 = "Most of the time" 3 = "A good bit of the time" 4 = "Some of the time" 5 = "Little of the time" 6 = "None of the time"; value M9SFHEALTH . = "missing" 1 = "Excellent" 2 = "Very good" 3 = "Good" 4 = "Fair" 5 = "Poor"; value M9SFINTFR . = "missing" 1 = "All the time" 2 = "Most of the time" 3 = "Some of the time" 4 = "Little of the time" 5 = "None of the time"; value M9SFLIMIT . = "missing" 1 = "Limited a lot" 2 = "Limited a little" 3 = "Not limited"; value M9SFNOW . = "missing" 1 = "Much better" 2 = "Somewhat better" 3 = "About the same" 4 = "Somewhat worse" 5 = "Much worse"; value M9SFPAIN . = "missing" 1 = "Not at all" 2 = "A little bit" 3 = "Moderately" 4 = "Quite a bit" 5 = "Extremely"; value M9SFSOCIAL . = "missing" 1 = "Not at all" 2 = "Slightly" 3 = "Moderately" 4 = "Quite a bit" 5 = "Extremely"; value M9SMOK1ST . = "missing" 1 = "Never-smoker" 2 = "Ex-smoker" 3 = "Smoker <10 c/d" 4 = "Smoker 10-19 c/d" 5 = "Smoker >= 20 c/d" 6 = "Smoker indeterminate"; value M9SMOKEF . = "missing" 1 = "Daily" 2 = "Weekly" 3 = "Less than weekly" 4 = "Not at all"; value M9SOURCE 1 = "Paper" 2 = "Online"; value M9STATEFMT . = "missing" 1 = "NSW" 2 = "Vic" 3 = "Qld" 4 = "SA" 5 = "WA" 6 = "Tas" 7 = "NT" 8 = "ACT" 9 = "Overseas"; value M9STRESS . = "missing" 1 = "Not applicable" 2 = "Not stressed" 3 = "Somewhat stressed" 4 = "Moderately stressed" 5 = "Very stressed" 6 = "Extremely stressed"; value M9STSLIFE . = "missing" 1 = "Very satisfied" 2 = "Satisfied" 3 = "Dissatisfied" 4 = "Very dissatisfied"; value M9SUPPORT . = "missing" 1 = "None of time" 2 = "Little of time" 3 = "Some of time" 4 = "Most of time" 5 = "All of time"; value M9SURVEYPART . = "missing" 1 = "No" 2 = "Told me answers" 3 = "Used own judgement"; value M9SURVSTAT 1 = "Full survey" 2 = "Short Survey"; value M9TESTDATE . = "missing" 1 = "Last 12 months" 2 = "1 to less than 2 years ago" 3 = "2 to less than 3 years ago" 4 = "3 to 5 years ago" 5 = "More than 5 years ago" 6 = "Never" 7 = "Don't know"; value M9TIMECARE . = "missing" 0 = "No care given" 1 = "All day/night" 2 = "All day" 3 = "All night" 4 = "Several hours" 5 = "About an hour"; value M9TRANSPRT . = "missing" 1 = "Car (you drive)" 2 = "Car (someone else drives)" 3 = "Taxi" 4 = "Bus, train and/or tram" 5 = "Other"; value M9UNPDCARE . = "missing" 1 = "Daily" 2 = "Weekly" 3 = "Occasionally" 4 = "Never"; value M9URINELOSS . = "missing" 1 = "None" 2 = "Drops" 3 = "Small splashes" 4 = "More"; value M9VOLNTR . = "missing" 1 = "Not at all" 2 = "Every day" 3 = "Every week" 4 = "Every month" 5 = ">once a month"; value M9WHO . = "Missing" 1 = "Underweight, BMI < 18.5" 2 = "Healthy weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25" 3 = "Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30" 4 = "Obese, 30 >= BMI"; value M9YES1NO0F . = "missing" 0 = "No" 1 = "Yes"; value M9YES1NO2F . = "missing" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No"; value M9YES1NO2NA . = "Missing" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Not Applicable"; value M9YES1NO2NA88F . = "Missing" 1 = "Yes" 0 = "No" 88 = "Not Applicable"; value M9YESNONODK . = "missing" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No abnormal result" 3 = "No test in the past 3 years" 4 = "Don't know"; value M9YESNOFMT . = "missing" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No"; value M9MMM . = "missing" 1 = "Metropolitan areas" 2 = "Regional centres" 3 = "Large rural towns" 4 = "Medium rural towns" 5 = "Small rural towns" 6 = "Remote communities" 7 = "Very remote communities" ; run ;