/* Survey 6 of the 1989-95 Cohort - formats definition in SAS code - Nov 2023 */ PROC FORMAT; value z1AlcGuidelinesFmt 4 = "Not within NHMRC guidelines 1 or 2" 3 = "Within NHMRC guideline 2 but not 1" 2 = "Within NHMRC guideline 1 but not 2" 1 = "Within NHMRC guidelines 1 and 2" . = "missing"; VALUE Z1ALCFREQF 1="I never drink alcohol" 2="Less than once a month" 3="Less than once a week" 4="On 1 or 2 days a week" 5="On 3 or 4 days a week" 6="On 5 or 6 days a week" 7="Every day" .="missing"; VALUE Z1ALCNHMRC 1="Low risk drinker" 2="Non-drinker" 3="Rarely drinks" 4="Risky drinker" 5="High risk drinker" .="missing"; VALUE Z1ALCPAT 1="Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk less than weekly" 2="Non-drinker" 3="Low long-term risk, drinks at short-term risk weekly or more" 4="Risky/high risk drinker" .="missing"; VALUE Z1ALCQTYF 0="Never drink" 1="1 or 2 drinks per day" 2="3 or four drinks per day" 3="5 to 8 drinks per day" 4="9 or more drinks per day" .="missing"; VALUE Z1ARIAPGPF 1="Major cities" 2="Inner regional" 3="Outer regional" 4="Remote" 5="Very remote" 6="Overseas" .="missing"; VALUE Z1BINGEF 1="Never" 2="Less than once a month" 3="About once a month" 4="About once a week" 5="More than once a week" .="missing"; VALUE Z1EXGRP 1="Inactive" 2="Low" 3="Moderate" 4="High" .="missing"; VALUE Z1FREQ 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" .="missing"; VALUE Z1FREQ5F 1="None of the time" 2="A little of the time" 3="Some of the time" 4="Most of the time" 5="All of the time" .="missing"; VALUE Z1GH 1="Excellent" 2="Very good" 3="Good" 4="Fair" 5="Poor" .="missing"; VALUE Z1HIGHQUALF 1="Year 10 or below" 2="Year 11 or equivalent" 3="Year 12 or equivalent" 4="Certificate I / II" 5="Certificate III / IV" 6="Advanced Diploma / Diploma" 7="Bachelor degree" 8="Graduate diploma / Graduate certificate" 9="Postgraduate degree" .="missing"; VALUE Z1HOURSF 1="0" 2="1 - 15" 3="16 - 29" 4="30 - 34" 5="35 - 40" 6="41 - 49" 7="50 or more" .="missing"; VALUE Z1LAST12M 1="Never" 2="Last 12 months only" 3="More than 12 months ago" 4="Last 12 months and more than 12 months ago" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z1MANINCF 1="It is impossible" 2="It is difficult all the time" 3="It is difficult some of the time" 4="It is not too bad" 5="It is easy" .="missing"; VALUE Z1MARISTAT 1="Married" 2="De Facto" 3="Separated" 4="Divorced" 5="Widowed" 6="Never married" .="missing"; VALUE Z1MMM 1="Major cities" 2="Large regional" 3="Medium Large regional" 4="Medium regional" 5="Small regional" 6="Remote" 7="Very remote" .="missing"; VALUE Z1PROXYF 1="No" 2="Yes, but I told them the answers I wanted" 3="Yes, but the helper answered for me using his / her own judgement" .="missing"; VALUE Z1SMOKST 1="Never smoked" 2="Ex-smoker" 3="Smoker <10 c/d" 4="Smoker 10-19 c/d" 5="Smoker >=20 c/d" .="missing"; VALUE Z1STATEFMT 1="NSW" 2="Vic" 3="Qld" 4="SA" 5="WA" 6="Tas" 7="NT" 8="ACT" 9="Overseas" .="missing"; VALUE Z1STRESSF 1="Not applicable" 2="Not at all stressed" 3="Somewhat stressed" 4="Moderately stressed" 5="Very stressed" 6="Extremely stressed" .="missing"; VALUE Z1YES1NO0F 0="No" 1="Yes" .="missing"; VALUE Z1YESNOFMT 1="Yes" 2="No" .="missing"; VALUE Z2CURRPREG 1="No" 2="Less than 3 months" 3="3 to 6 months" 4="More than 6 months" 5="Don't know" .="missing"; VALUE Z2FRESHFRUIT 1="I don't eat fruit" 2="Less than 1 piece of fruit per day" 3="1 piece of fruit per day" 4="2 pieces of fruit per day" 5="3 pieces of fruit per day" 6="4 or more pieces of fruit per day" .="missing"; VALUE Z2SMOKEF 1="Daily" 2="At least weekly (but not daily)" 3="Less often than weekly" 4="Not at all" .="missing"; VALUE Z2VEGSRV 1="None" 2="Less than one serve" 3="1 serve" 4="2 serves" 5="3 serves" 6="4 serves" 7="5 serves or more" .="missing"; VALUE Z3BINGENO 0="0" 1="1" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7" 8="8" 9="9" 10="10" 11="11" 12="12 or more" 13="About once a month" .="missing"; VALUE Z4ALCSPIKEF 1="Yes" 2="No" 3="Unsure" .="missing"; VALUE Z4OCCUP 1="Manager or administrator" 2="Professional" 3="Associate professional" 4="Tradesperson or related worker" 5="Advanced clerical or service worker" 6="Intermediate clerical, sales or service worker" 7="Intermediate production or transport worker" 8="Elementary clerical, sales or service worker" 9="Labourer or related worker" 10="No paid job" 88 = "Not Applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z5AGREE 1="Strongly agree" 2="Agree" 3="Disagree" 4="Strongly disagree" .="missing"; VALUE Z5FERT 1="No, have never tried to get pregnant" 2="No, have had no problem with fertility" 3="Yes, but have not sought help / treatment" 4="Yes, and have sought help / treatment" .="missing"; VALUE Z5FREQDMY 1="Every day" 2="Once a week or more" 3="About once a month" 4="Every few months" 5="Once or twice a year" 6="Never" .="missing"; VALUE Z5FREQONCE 1="Once" 2="A few times" 3="Monthly" 4="Weekly" 5="Daily / almost daily" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z5MOS 1="All the time" 2="Most" 3="Some" 4="None/little" .="missing"; VALUE Z6PREG 0="Never" 1="Yes, during pregnancy" 2="Yes, following birth" 3="Yes, both during pregnancy and following birth" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z5Y1N0NA 0="No" 1="Yes" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z5Y1N2NA 1="Yes" 2="No" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z5YNNA 1="Yes" 2="No" 3="Does not apply" .="missing"; VALUE Z5YNPNA 1="Yes" 2="No" 3="I prefer not to answer" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z6AGREE 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neutral" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" .="missing"; VALUE Z6DIET 1="Never" 2="1 - 4 times" 3="5 - 10 times" 4="More than 10 times" 5="I am always on a diet to lose weight" .="missing"; VALUE Z6DISSATIS 0="Not at all dissatisfied" 1="1" 2="Slightly dissatisfied" 3="3" 4="Moderately dissatisfied" 5="5" 6="Markedly dissatisfied" .="missing"; VALUE Z6EMPF 1="Yes" 2="No, unemployed for less than 6 months" 3="No, unemployed for 6 months or more" .="missing"; VALUE Z6FREQ 0="Never" 1="Sometimes" 2="Often" 3="Almost always" .="missing"; VALUE Z6HAPPYa 1="1 Not a very happy person" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 A very happy person" .="missing"; VALUE Z6HAPPYb 1="1 Less happy" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 More happy" .="missing"; VALUE Z6HAPPYc 1="1 Not at all" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 A great deal" .="missing"; VALUE Z6HOUSING 1="Private rental (including rent paid to real estate agents)" 2="State Department of Housing public rental" 3="Housing that comes with employment (eg Department of Defence, Department of Education, mining company etc)" 4="Owned home (with or without mortgage)" 5="Living with parents / in-laws" 6="Other" .="missing"; VALUE Z6INTENDPREGF 1="Yes, within the next year" 2="Yes, at some other time in the future" 3="Not at all" 4="Unsure" 88 = "Not Applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z6LAST2Y 1="Last 2 years only" 2="More than 2 years ago" 3="Last 2 years AND more than 2 years ago" 4="Never" .="missing"; VALUE Z6PHIAF 1="Yes" 2="No - because I can't afford the cost" 3="No - because I don't think you get value for money" 4="No - because I don't think I need it" 5="No - because the services are not available where I live" 6="No - other reason" .="missing"; VALUE Z6PHIF 1="Yes" 2="No - because I can't afford the cost" 3="No - because I don't think you get value for money" 4="No - because I don't think I need it" 5="No - other reason" .="missing"; VALUE Z6QUAL 0="No cost" 1="Excellent" 2="Very good" 3="Good" 4="Fair" 5="Poor" 6="Don't know" .="missing"; VALUE Z6RELATF 1="I am single" 2="I am in a relationship (not living together)" 3="I am living with a partner" 4="I am engaged" 5="I am married" 6="I am divorced" 7="I am separated" 9="I am widowed" .="missing"; VALUE Z6TIME 1="In the last 12 months" 2="1 to less than 2 years ago" 3="2 to less than 3 years ago" 4="3 to 5 years ago" 5="More than 5 years ago" 6="Never" 7="Don't know" .="missing"; VALUE Z6WEIGHT 1="Happy as I am" 2="1 - 5 kg more" 3="Over 5 kg more" 4="1 - 5 kg less" 5="6 - 10 kg less" 6="Over 10 kg less" .="missing"; VALUE Z6Y1N0NA 0="No" 1="Yes" 88="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z6Y1N2NA3F 1="Yes" 2="No" 3="Not applicable" .="missing"; VALUE Z6HapPer 1="1 Not a very happy person" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 A very happy person" .="missing"; VALUE Z6MoreHap 1="1 Less happy" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 More happy" .="missing"; VALUE Z6GrDeal 1="1 Not at all" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 A great deal" .="missing"; VALUE z1who 1 = 'Underweight, BMI < 18.5' 2 = 'Healthy weight, 18.5 <= BMI < 25' 3 = 'Overweight, 25 <= BMI < 30' 4 = 'Obese, 30 >= BMI' . = 'Missing' ; RUN;