Core dataset
Confidentialised survey data with streamlined access. This dataset is available from the Australian Data Archive (ADA). Check the ADA website for for latest releases.
These datasets are designed to be used:
- for simple, descriptive analyses
- for longitudinal investigations
- as a first step to using and becoming familiar with the full survey datasets
- to test the feasibility of potential research questions
It includes total scale scores, with a reduced number of single survey items; sensitive variables have been omitted; and in some cases, response categories have been collapsed.
How to apply
- check ALSWH current projects, to see research topics already being addressed
- also see approved Core data projects at the end of this page
- here you will find an example of a core data application
- visit ADA Dataverse for more information or to submit an application (there are no closing dates; processing time is approximately 2 weeks).
Note: If you have an existing ALSWH Core data project and wish to apply for approval to conduct a new project, please contact the Australia Data Archive directly to request an ALSWH Additional Use Case Application.
Please refer to the conditions of use and publishing for a list of acknowledgements that you must use in any publication or presentation.
For further information please contact:
Data Books
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 1
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 2
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 3
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 4
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 5
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 6
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 7
- Data Book for CORE data, 1946-51 Survey 8
Approved Projects using ALSWH Core Data
Title | Project leader |
Mental health trajectories over 21 years among Australian women: comparison between two generations | Yuta Nemoto |
Life Course Trajectories Through Menopause: A Dynamic Analysis of Health Choices and Socioeconomic Outcomes | Laurence Jones |
Women’s distress and financial wellbeing trajectories in early adulthood: Influence of childhood disadvantage and adult educational attainment | Emma Knight |
A longitudinal analysis of the causal effect of employment on tooth loss | Giles Adams |
Impact of menopause on labor market outcomes | Maryam Naghsh Nejad |
Role of tobacco smoking in the relationship between socioeconomic status and tooth loss: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health | Ziqi Chen |
The effects of longitudinal physical activity on the risk of non-communicable chronic diseases and mortality | Ruyi Yu |
Standing on the shoulders of giants: Harmonising 40 years of data to revolutionise Australia's response to increases in psychological distress | Deanna Varley |
The association between psychosocial factors and health service utilisation and self-management of diabetes among older Australian women | Md Sazedur Rahman |
Economic insecurity's impact on financial behavior: The role of women's evolving socioeconomic status | Xiqian (Amy) Zhang |
Exploring CALD women health | Humaira Maheen |
Child penalty of women in heterosexual vs homosexual relationships: does homosexual mothers incur a smaller child penalty than heterosexual mothers? | Elvira Slot |
Trajectories and determinants of physical activity in two cohorts of young adult women born 16 years apart | Stephanie Duncombe |
A longitudinal investigation of long-term gambling-related harm in a population-representative sample of Australian women | Anastasia Ejova |
The cumulative effects of physical activity on menopausal symptoms | Jovenal Gama Pinto |
The avoidable socioeconomic inequality in oral health outcomes due to oral healthcare access | Gagandeep Kaur |
Dysmenorrhea and Cardiovascular Risk | Eugenia Alessandra Enrica Alleva Bonomi |
Examining unmet need for social care | Paul Kowal |
Exploring the validity of self-reported long term health conditions | Zoe Pollock |
Gray area drinking among Australian women and the implications for Mental Health | Laura Robinson |
Corelationship between sleep and mental health | Anitha Veerasolan |
Predictors of weight gain after breast cancer: findings from a longitudinal population-based study | Carolyn Ee |
An epidemiological study of hysterectomies in India and Australia | Jesty Varghese |
Social Inequalities in Oral Health among Australian Working Age Adults | Ankur Singh |
Association Between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and incidence of non communicable diseases among women in Australia: Analysis of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health | Joel Komakech |
Trajectories and predictors of life satisfaction and mental health in Australian women | Anastasia Ejova |
The excruciating price of the quest for motherhood | Natasha Poularikas |
Trajectories of physical activity and health outcomes after major life events in Australian women | Yuta Nemoto |
Risk Factors in Women and CVD Outcomes | Glen Wiesner |
The impacts of a healthy lifestyle on the physical and mental health of female stroke survivors in Australia | Sazedur Rahman |
Identifying health behaviours as key targets for lifestyle modification and pre pregnancy intervention | Paige van der Pligt |
The relationship between optimism and work experience | Weiwen Yang |
Trajectories of physical activity across the lifespan in Australian women: correlates and health consequences | Yuta Nemoto |
The Role of Stress in the Relationship Between Premenstrual Tension and Postpartum Depression | Sophia Bracken |
The economic cost of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation for people with disability | Dennis McCarthy |
The harms and benefits of sun exposure: striking the right balance | Namal Nishantha Balasooriya Mudiyanselage |
The influencing factors of premenstrual tension and its influence on other mental disorders | Lulu Hou |
Pregnancy Intentions and Subsequent Fertility and Contraceptive Behaviors among Australian Women | Otobo Ujah |
Partnering patterns associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Australian women | Yoobin Park |
Trajectories of physical activity, sitting time and falls from middle age to older age | Wing Kwok |
Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Pregnancy Complications and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes | Tuhin Biswas |
Gender equality in Australia: An exploration of the impact on sleep and health | Anna Scovelle |
International Study on the Positive Aspects of Caregiving | Emily Princehorn |
The intergenerational transmission of violence and poverty: evidence from Australian women | Alice Campbell |
Gender (in)equality in Australia - an exploration of the impact on key health outcomes across the life-course | Jennifer Ervin |
Is Workplace stress killing women | Janine Fletcher-Taylor |
Longitudinal association between educational mobility and social support | Farzaneh Zolala |
An observational cross-sectional study to identify factors associated with dental service utilization by Australian women of age 65-70 | Shilpy Vaid |
Nature and Extent of Family Violence Amongst South-Asian Communities | Iswa Chaudry |
Life events and loneliness among older Australians | Jack Lam |
Economics of Improved Health associated with Interventions for Heart Valve Disease | Marie Ishida |
Family dynamics over the life course: Foundations, turning points and outcomes. Chapter 12: LGBTIQ+ families | Alice Campbell |
Consumption of diet soft drinks | Jo Zhou |
The impact of recessions on women’s health outcomes | Li Ang |
Evaluating the aged care system in Australia and its preparedness to offer quality care to the changing demographics | Alison Campbell |
Health and health literacy of refugees in Australia | Prince Peprah |
Misreporting of alcohol consumption in a cohort of Australian Women: Influences of Pregnancy on Reporting | Zachary Hayward |