Participant information statement
I understand that:
- Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.
- My personal details will be stored safely on secure servers at the University of Newcastle
- My answers will not be linked with my personal details and so will not be identifiable.
- This is a longitudinal survey, which will be conducted every few years. Researchers will be comparing the information provided in this survey to others completed as part of this project.
- Only those staff members within the project who are given specific authorisation will be able to access my personal details for the purpose of project upkeep and maintenance.
- My participation is voluntary and I am free to discontinue involvement at any time.
If you have any complaints about this project and would prefer to discuss these with an independent person, you should feel free to contact the University of Newcastle’s Human Research Ethics Officer (02) 4921 6333 or write to them at the University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308. You could also contact the University of Queensland’s Human Research Ethics Officer on (07) 3365 3924 or write to them at the University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072. The proposed research using Medicare information will be conducted in accordance with relevant privacy requirements and other legislation protecting this information and is subject to final approval being granted by government and university ethics committees.
As a long term study, Women’s Health Australia is required to follow up participants whose details have changed since last contact. The Australian Electoral Roll can be accessed at the Electoral Office to supply name, address and gender information about the Australian population. Upon accessing this information, Women’s Health Australia staff will not forward it on, sell it, otherwise disclose or use it for any purpose other than to contact existing participants for this medical research project.