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Transitions into and out of caring and their effects on health and use of community services in women born between 1921 and 1926

McKenzie S, Tooth L, Lucke J, Hockey R & Dobson A. Transitions into and out of caring and their effects on health and use of community services in women born between 1921 and 1926 Report prepared for Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing, September 2009.

A detailed report for the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Carers Project, Stage 2, Phase 3.

This report examines the transitions into and out of caring among 12432 women from the 1921-1926 cohort of ALSWH. It also examines the needs of carers for health services. The report describes exploratory and longitudinal analysis of data from Surveys 2, 3, 4 and 5. These surveys were examined because the question about providing care was asked consistently across them and it provided information about
where the carer lived relative to the care recipient.
